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Kid slowly climbed through the seventh-floor window of the hospital. Kudo was asleep with his head resting on the corner of the bed. Kid leaned against the wall, and looked at the unconscious girl. "Twelve days, huh? How troublesome." He sighed as he examined the cumbersome bandages that covered her small frame. Shinichi began to stir, so Kid headed towards the window, as he had done every night since they had found her.

"I thought you might come to see me soon." Came a weak chuckle.

Kid's eyes widened as he spun around. The girl's eyes were still shut tight, but her head was still turned in his direction. "How'd you know it was me?"

"I heard your cloak and your voice, besides you are the only normal person who comes through the window."

"Guilty as charged." Kid grinned. "I should go before Kudo wakes up." Kid whispered as he started climbing out the window.

"One last thing!"

"Yeah, what is it?" Kid said, freezing while half out the window.

"When I can see again, I want you to come visit me. Not with the flashy costume, but with your own face, unobstructed. I'd like that."

Kid smiled and tipped his hat to the wind. "Sure, no problem, but in return you have to tell me your real name." He whispered as he vanished into the night.

"It's a promise."


When Shinichi woke up he was ecstatic to see you finally awake. The doctor told you that your vision would come back with time, and that rest was the only thing you needed to focus on. When the doctor left, Shinichi became overly clingy.

He freaked out every time you tried to sit up, and he leapt to his feet when you wanted something. It was cute seeing how out of character he was, and, for once in your life, you could appreciate it.

"Hey, Judo." You whispered.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'll tell you guys everything tonight. I want you and Kid to hear it. After all, the two of you saved me." You said, smiling blindly towards the boy.

"That'd be nice." Shinichi replied as he refilled your water cup.


Night came faster than expected. Damn eyes! You hissed mentally. How am I supposed to do anything like this? You couldn't stand being so vulnerable. The only comfort was the two boys who kept an eye out for you.

"When's that thief gonna get here? He shouldn't keep us waiting." Shinichi grumbled.

"He's already here, he's just waiting for the sun to completely set." You chuckled. "After all, he's famous for a different reason." Just as you said it, Kid slid through the window, the sky now completely dark. You may not be able to see, but you could still feel the subtle temperature change as the sun vanished from the sky.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Kid said as he took his usual place by the window.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong." You smiled in the flashy thief's direction.

"So, what's going on?" Kid inquired. "Kudo is usually asleep by the time I come."

"I think I've kept my secrets for long enough. I think it's about time I answered all of your questions." You whispered, turning your head towards the roof. "And without being intoxicated." You chuckled.

"Well, I guess I should first give you a name. My real name is (Y/N) Inukai. I'm 18 years old." You started.

"I figured that Akahoshi wasn't your real last name, but I never would have guessed that you kept your first name the same."

"I was five, what do you expect?!" You chuckled.

"So, what did you do after you ran away?" Kid asked.

"I lived on the streets. I watched you guys growing up, which helped me learn. I perfected my skills as a thief while on the streets. It was hard, and it was far from fun, but it's what I had to do to survive." You explained, your voice growing soft as emotion started to peek through your calm facade.

"Why didn't you try to stay with anyone?" Shinichi asked.

"I was afraid that he would come and kill anyone that I grew close to. I wanted to though. Every single day I thought that I was worried for nothing, that I should just relax. But every single time I would start to relax, the nightmares would come back and put that doubt back. Now that I think about it though, maybe that was for the best. He probably would have found me sooner were it not for my reclusive lifestyle." You contemplated.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Shinichi inquired.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how do you plan on living your life now that you don't have to be afraid?" Shinichi clarified.

"That's a good question, but to be honest with you, I think it will take a long time before I can say I'm no longer afraid."

"But why?" Shinichi pondered.

"Think about it Kudo. This is how she's lived the past thirteen years of her life. She grew up in fear, so obviously it will take some time for her to find out who she is without the fear." Kid stated.

"Exactly." You whispered.

"So, what are some things you've always wanted to do?" Kid asked.

"There are a lot of things I've wanted to do. I never got the chance to do a lot of things." You whispered nervously.

"Like what?" Kid prompted.

"I've always wanted to travel, to go to the beach, to ride a rollercoaster, but all of that pales in comparison to my greatest wish."

"And what might that be?" Shinichi inquired.

"It doesn't matter now, it's already been granted." You smiled.

"Humor us." Kid chuckled.

"I always wanted friends. That was always my greatest wish." You mumbled, in embarrassment. "I've always wanted to be with friends, somewhere where I could feel safe. And I got that, thanks to you two." You smiled brightly. Unbeknownst to you, a blush had spread across the cheeks of both boys.

Kid rubbed the back of his neck and grumbled. "Don't go saying such gushy things."

You laughed out loud, before breaking down into a fit of coughs. Both boys leapt towards you, worry twisting their faces. "I'm...fine..." You gasped through heavy breaths.

"No, you aren't!" Shinichi barked.

"Damn, we forgot to tell the doctor about her heart!" Kid grunted.

"I thought the doctors would have noticed." Shinichi whispered.

"No, think about it. She didn't have any wounds around her heart. Probably cause that psycho didn't want to mess up his previous work. The doctors wouldn't have worried because her heart only has difficulty when she moves around too much." Kid growled at his own foolishness.

"I'll be fine." You whispered.

"Don't lie. We all know that you're in bad shape, that's why you went off on your own before." Kid stated.

"You planned on dying alone, like a dog that runs away until it's life comes to an end." Shinichi muttered. "Tomorrow I'm going to tell your doctor."

"We're going to get you better, no matter what." Kid stated, as you tried to calm your burning heart.

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