Uber Long Chapter: The Christmas Carol Killer Part 1

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You stretched and released a yawn. I'm so bored right now. You thought to yourself as you stared blankly at the nurse, giving a few slight nods when it felt right. Can I just go home already? I've been here for three weeks, I'm sick of the hospital. You thought, as your focus began to wander far away from the hospital. I wonder if there will be any new interesting cases to solve! I hope so, I could use something to take my mind off all this crap.

Before you knew it, the nurse took his leave. Conan elbowed you in the shoulder, and glared. "You weren't listening to a word they said, were you?"

"Nope, not a word."

"You're hopeless! That was important information. That was all about how to take care of yourself in the future!"

"I've read it all before. Don't stop moving around, but limit the strain and weight involved in your activities (particularly for the first 12 weeks). Don't eat anything too salty, fatty, or sugary. Basically I get to eat bland for the most part. Take your heart rate, blood pressure, and such once or twice daily. Don't forget to take all of your meds. Yada, yada, yada." You rattled off a summary you'd memorized from Wikipedia.

"Fine, but how do you plan on keeping up with all of this? No offense, but if you aren't interested, you don't care." Conan grumbled.

"I have everything in order already." You groaned. It was sweet how worried he was, but also too clingy sometimes. I am an independent woman, who can take care of herself!

"Alright, Miss Know-it-all. Please clarify." You held up your right arm, and showed him the watch that adorned it. "Yeah, that's the watch Dr. Agasa made for everyone." He said, unimpressed.

"You're half right. I had him help me make a few modifications. It now keeps track of my vitals at all times. I also added a few additional features, but they aren't important right now." You said with a dismissive wave.

Conan eyed you suspiciously, but let it go. "Whatever you say. Kogoro and Ran should be finishing the paperwork, what do you want to do when we leave?"

You rubbed your chin as though pondering. "I want some bacon, some ice cream, and to go lift some weights at the gym." You replied, keeping your poker face. Conan just looked at you, unamused. "Well then, tough crowd." You mumbled. "I honestly want to go back to the office and wait for a case." You replied truthfully.

"You shouldn't be going on cases." Conan stated.

"I'm allowed to do anything, so long as I don't over do it. As long as I listen to my body, I can do whatever I want. I want to solve a case."

"I doubt any cases will just show up because you want them to." Conan sighed.

"Don't kill my mood, Judo. Let me enjoy my Christmas spirit!" You grumbled, as you walked towards Ran and Kogoro.


"BORING!" You moaned as you sprawled across the couch, and watched the little television set.

"Good. You need rest, and a case is the opposite of that." Conan replied.

"Know-it-all." You mumbled.

You returned your attention to the television. You half listened to the news, and half listened to everything going on around you. Kogoro was reading the newspaper and downing beer, Ran was doing homework with Conan, and the news was as bleak as usual. You were contemplating taking a nap, when someone rapped on the door.

Ran answered the door, and a weasley looking man entered the room. "Good evening, I'm here to speak with Mouri Kogoro." The man said upon entering the room. He kept nodding his head, and wringing his hands.

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