Pandora's Box

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"Dammit, why can't I figure this out." You grumbled, as you typed in the four buttons for the hundredth time.

"Just take a break. We'll ask Ran if she knows it." Conan sighed.

"But I recognize it, I just can't remember what it is!" You groaned, before flopping back onto the sofa.

"There's nothing we can do about it now." You could tell he was just as frustrated as you were, he was just better at turning it into determination.

You jolted up, startling Conan. "I'm such an idiot!"

"What're you talking about?"

You looked to make sure Kogoro wasn't paying attention. "My friend that's good with technology could probably give us a list of things that have those notes in them."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Conan questioned.

You stood, and waved to him. You led the way back to your room, and closed the door. Feeling around underneath the dresser, you pulled out a plain thin box. Conan watched you curiously, as you opened the box to reveal half a dozen disposable phones.

"Is that really necessary?" Conan grumbled.

"You can never be too careful in my line of business~" You hummed, earning a scowl from Conan.

You picked one of the phones at random, and dialed the number. While the phone rang, you pulled out your voice changing hair bow, and adjusted it's settings.

"Hello~" Came the always cheery reply.

You cleared your throat. "Evening, old friend." You called, your regular melodic tone coming through the speaker.

"Oh, no names this time, eh Miss Doe? I guess that means we have a guest on the line."

"Right on the money!" You chirped. "Old friend, I'd like to introduce you to Shinichi Kudo."

"Oh, that guy." The man's tone on the other end seemed to darken.

You let out an uncomfortable laugh, seeing the offended expression on Conan's face. "Be nice, he's a very dear friend of mine." You tried to ease the discomfort.

"Yeah, I get it. Which reminds me, that thing you wanted me to do is done. It's ready whenever you need it."

"Thanks, I appreciate it. I have another favor to ask of you, if you don't mind."

"No problem. If it's you asking, I'll do anything to help."

"We need you to identify a song based on the first four notes." You explained. "Is that something in your power?"

"That's easy. You got the tone, the sheet notes, or what?"

"Unfortunately, neither of us are skilled at music, so we only have the sounds of the keys." You replied, worried he'd say it wasn't gonna work.

"That'll do. Take a recording of it, and send it my way."

"I appreciate it, old friend." You thanked.

"I owe you a lot, so this is nothing to me. Oh, and by the way, Mr. Fancy Detective. I got something I wanna say to you."

"He's listening." You replied for Conan, not wanting Ricky to hear Conan's child voice.

"Don't let anything bad happen to this chick." He barked. "Never met this kid in person, but from my interactions with her, she's a rare gem. She's reckless though, so you'd better be extra cautious."

"Hey now, don't make it sound like I'm a troublemaker." You grumbled.

"Ah, whatever. How will you know when I've got the info?" He changed the subject.

The Black Fox (Shinichi X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora