The Pain in Her Heart

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"They were murdered." You sighed.

"W-what, murdered?!" Shinichi spluttered.

You nodded. "They were murdered when I was five years old."

"Who killed them?"

"They called him the Blood Rose Butcher. He tortured his victims, making them suffer until they died. When he was done he would leave a single red rose on the chests of each of his victims. He was a family killer. He only went after families of three or four." You whispered, placing your hand on your gut.

"I-is that where you got that scar?" Shinichi asked cautiously.

You nodded. "Yeah."

"But, how did you get away? If I remember correctly, the Blood Rose Butcher never left a member of the family alive." Shinichi inquired.

"After my parents were killed, that psychopath went after me. He gave me that scar, then he decided to try slowly cutting out my heart. I thought I was about to die, when my little brother woke up. He started screaming, so that monster slit his throat."

"I'm so sorry." Shinichi whispered.

"While he had his back to me I grabbed a pen that had fallen to the floor. When he came back to... I stabbed him in the eye, and dragged myself away. I thought I was going to bleed out in the street, but someone found me." You grappled with the memory.

"That's horrible." Came the almost inaudible reply.

"That night, the Blood Rose Butcher vanished. He hasn't been seen since."

"That's why you got so upset when you found out about that serial killer." Shinichi noted.

"Yeah, and I got the answer to my questions." You mumbled so quietly you didn't think Shinichi could hear.

There were several moments of silence between the two of you. "Alright, no point in pouting! I want you to show me your motivation!" Shinichi broke the silence with his carefree smile.

"What do you mean, my motivation?"

"I want to know why you steal. You don't seem like the kind of person who wants to be rich, so what do you do with all that money?"

You smile, and push yourself up off the cot. "Woh, hold up a sec! You shouldn't be moving around yet!" Shinichi protested.

"You want to know my motivation, don't you? I can't show you here."

"But... Wait here for a second!" Shinichi said, as he sprinted from the room. After several minutes of waiting, he returned. He struggled to pull something through the door, but when he got it in you couldn't help but groan. Shinichi had returned with a pair of clothes and... a wheelchair.

"Judo, there is no need for a wheelchair!"

"Doctor's orders! You aren't supposed to move around for at least two weeks! I also brought you some clothes. One of my uniforms, a scarf, a hat, and a pair of sunglasses. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for you to stroll down the street wearing that mask." Shinichi chuckled.

"You aren't giving me much of a choice." You chuckled.

Shinichi helped you put on the clothes over your thickly bandaged body, and into the wheelchair. He draped a blanket over your lap, and a coat over your shoulders. "We don't need you getting sick!" Shinichi smiled as he slid on his own coat, and pushed the wheelchair out into the snow.

The two of you made your way through the crowded streets. You had the scarf pulled up over your face, and the hat pulled down low, making sure nobody saw your face. "So, where are we going?" Shinichi asked.

"It's not too far, and we can't take the bus. Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it! I could do for a little exercise!" Shinichi grinned. The two of you made small talk as you directed Shinichi towards your destination. When you arrived, Shinichi was silent.

"I give to you my motivation!" You smiled up at the boy. Shinichi raised an eyebrow as he looked up at the old convent.

Shinichi pushed you up to the door, and knocked. The door was flung open, and a pudgy little boy peaked through the door. "Whadya want!" The little boy mumbled.

"Might a stray fox, and his friend come in to play?" You whispered to the little boy.

The little boy's eyes widened, and his mouth spread into a grin. He turned, and shouted over his shoulder. "Hey, come quick! Fox is here!"

"Fox?" Shinichi looked at you questioningly as he pushed the wheelchair through the door.

"It's best that nobody knows who I really am."

"Fox!" Came numerous shouts as the sound of pounding feet came down the hall. Around thirty children scrambled down the hall and ran up to you and Shinichi, chuckling and grinning.

"Hey, Fox, did you bring us any presents?"

"No, sorry, but I did bring someone special."

"Who is this guy?" A little boy grumbled at Shinichi.

"You mean you don't recognize him? Kids, this is the great teenage detective, Shinichi Kudo." You gestured towards the boy.


"No way!"

"How cool!" Came the chattering replies.

"I didn't know I was coming to meet some fans." Shinichi chuckled as the children bombarded him with questions.

"Hey, Mr. Kudo, how'd you meet Fox?"

"We met at work." Shinichi chuckle.

You couldn't help but smile at the boy's nervous expression. You felt a small tug on your sleeve, and looked down to see a sweet little girl. "Hello there little Lucy. What do you need?" You asked.

"H-hey, Fox, are you sick again?" Lucy said in a near whisper.

"Was Fox sick before?" Shinichi asked, turning his attention to your conversation.

You chuckled nervously. "It's nothing, just a little cold."

"Don't lie Fox! You told us lying was bad!" Another little girl shouted.

"What do you mean?" Shinichi asked the little girl.

"Fox is always getting sick!" The little girl stated.

"Yeah, Fox is always coughing, and getting woozy." A little boy chirped.

"When Fox plays for too long, Fox falls over and goes to sleep." Lucy mumbled.

Shinichi looked down at you, brow creased in thought. "It's nothing, just a tired body!" You dismissed.

"A tired body, and a troublesome life." Someone stated.

"Mother Superior, it's nothing to worry about." You sighed.

"Hey kids, I'm getting a little tired from pushing this wheelchair around. Would you guys mind taking Fox to play while I get some rest?" Shinichi asked, leaning down to the children.

"Leave it to us!"

"Yeah, let's show Fox our art show!" The children shouted as they wheeled you away. You glanced over your shoulder, and saw Shinichi walk over to the Mother Superior. I feel like a child who was sent away so the adults could talk. You thought to yourself. Oh well, I guess I should have seen this coming. I told him I would give him answers. No turning back now.


The Black Fox (Shinichi X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin