Kid's Assault

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"Gah, I want to send a message, but I know it'll cause problems." Conan grumbled, as he glowered at the number on his phone.

"Take it easy, we just have to tuck the information away for a rainy day, that's all." You hummed from the opposite sofa.

"You're right. We'll get a chance to get in contact with their boss." Conan mumbled.

"Conan, we're going to be late!" Ran called from the kitchen. "Hurry up and get dressed."

"I'm going!" Conan responded.

Ran came into the living room. She glanced to you, and nodded upon seeing you fully dressed and ready. She looked back to Conan and frowned. "Get off your cell phone. I put your clothes in your room, so hurry up."

"Okay." Conan nodded. He closed his phone, and hurried out of the room.

Ran took her own phone out of her pocket, and typed something out on it. With a smile on her face, she pushed send. A fraction of a second later, Conan's phone vibrated. Your eyes widened. Oh, shit. This is bad. You went to grab the phone, but Ran beat you to it. She picked it up and looked at it, a confused look on her face.

"Uh... um, hey, Ran. I'll take Conan's phone to him, so you don't have to worry about it." You smiled at her nervously, and held out your hand to her. She had a frown on her face, but went to hand it to you.

At that moment, Conan came back into the room. "AAAAAHHH!" He screamed. His scream startled Ran, and she dropped the phone into your hand. "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" He screeched, ran forward, and snatched the phone from your hand.

Both Ran and you stared at the frantic boy in stunned silence. "What the fuck, Judo!" You grumbled. Fortunately, Ran was too confused by Conan to reprimand you for your language.

"Di-Did either of you see anything?" He asked his face panicked.

"No... no we didn't." Ran responded.

"Your phone buzzed, so Ran checked your phone." You glowered at him. "I was just about to take it and run it up to you."

"It's probably from Doc. I asked him to fix the Detective Boys badges." Conan explained, sweat beading his temple.

"Oh, is that so..." Ran still seemed flabbergasted by Conan's outburst.

He looked at the screen, then back up at Ran. "Oh, it is from Doc! I'm gonna finish getting ready, so I'll reply to him later." Conan excused himself, before rushing out the door.

That was THE most uncomfortable interaction I've had in a long time.


"Oi, why are we back here?" You grumbled, glowering up a the dreaded school building.

"I've already told you." Conan sighed, before leading the way inside.

You split away from him to get to your locker, hesitating momentarily before opening it. You pulled off your shoes, and started putting on your indoor ones.

"What is this?" You heard Conan's voice from two rows over. You heard the click of his locker, followed by a loud bang.

You jumped at the noise, and hurried over to see what was going on. When you rounded the corner, you froze. Conan was covered in a fine hot pink powder. "Judo?" He looked over to the sound of your voice, though he couldn't see through the powder that covered his glasses. You couldn't keep the snort from escaping your lips.

"This isn't funny." He grumbled.

"Try being on this side. It's pretty damn funny." You snickered, as you walked closer to him. You pulled the handkerchief from your pocket, and wiped a small circle on his glasses. He glowered at you through the small clearing. "So, who'd you piss off to earn a powder bomb in your locker?"

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