Countdown to Heaven: Part 4

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The next day, Conan and you headed to meet the others in front of the station. Conan spoke with Dr. Agasa, so you waited for him to finish. When he hung up, you looked at him from the corner of your eye. "So?"

"Doc saw Haibara on the phone late last night. He's worried about who she could have been talking to."

"So, she's still calling." You sighed.

"Still?" Conan looked at you, his eyes quizzical.

"Genta wasn't lying before, she was calling someone at the campgrounds." You explained, as the two of you rounded the corner to the station.

You let your true emotions sink back to their pit of isolation, before smirking at the kids. "Sorry that we're late!" You called to them. "Conan took forever to get ready." You jabbed a thumb at the boy, who swatted your hand away.

"That's alright!" Ayumi chirped. "This time, Haibara decided to come with us!" She added.

"Really?" Conan questioned, glancing at the aforementioned girl.

"Is that alright? I was curious about Hara's game." Haibara shrugged.

Without warning, you looped your arm through Haibara's. She seemed startled, as you began to skip into the station, half dragging her behind you. "Let's go then, time waits for no man!" You chirped, as you continued pulling her.

You rode the train, and Mitsuhiko led the way to Hara's place. "His is apartment 407." Mitsuhiko muttered, as he scanned the numbers on the building.

"There it is!" Ayumi chirped.

Mitsuhiko pushed the call button, but nobody answered. You glanced to the door, and felt your spine tingled. "Judo." You hissed, finally releasing Haibara. He followed your line of sight, and noticed it too. The door was askew.

You walked towards the door, Conan right on your heels. "Oh, the doors open!" Genta chirped.

"That's careless." Mitsuhiko muttered.

The three brats went to move past you, but you blocked them. "What's going on?" Ayumi questioned.

"Just stay put for now." You growled, as you stepped to the door, and glanced in. A tremor went through your body, when your eyes fell upon Mr. Hara. "Judo." You called the boy again.

"What is it?" Mitsuhiko questioned, as he stepped forward.

"Not something you need to see!" You barked, stopping him in his tracks. "Call the police, and an ambulance." You stated, as Conan entered the apartment.

"Why, what's wrong?" Genta asked.

You let out a sigh. "Hara's dead." You whispered. "Now, do what I said, and stay out here for now." You instructed, as you went in after Conan.

Conan was crouched beside the corps, studying the details. "Is he..."

"Yeah, he's gone." Conan replied. "Single gunshot wound to the chest."

"There's another sake cup, which means I was most likely right." You whispered, examining the shattered remains of the cup that sat in a dried puddle of blood. "We've officially got a serial killer on our hands."


The six of you were instructed to wait in the hall, while the police investigated the scene. You couldn't exactly get involved in the case at present, so you just allowed them to work. One of the crime scene investigators exited the room, and Conan decided to take advantage.

"Mr. Tome, are you finished?"

"Yeah, I hear you guys found the body." Tome replied, crouching down to speak with Conan.

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