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Hello everyone! I hope you've been enjoying this story so far! 

As always, I want to throw in the disclaimer that I am by no means a medical professional, so I may be mistaken in several of the medical based scenarios. I am only as smart as google searching can make me XD

Anyways, on with the story!!


"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice shouted.

For the first time ever, Conan was relieved to hear his voice. "Over here!" He called back.

In an instant, someone appeared through the trees. He wore a police uniform, but he was no officer. Kid's eyes widened when he caught sight of them. He hurried over, and crouched beside (Y/N). He took a moment to look at her condition. "We need to get her out of here. I'll carry her, while you call that Professor friend of yours." Kid held a disposable phone out for Conan to take.

Conan didn't speak. He hesitated to stop putting pressure on the wound, but getting her help was more important. The bleeding wasn't as severe as it could have been. Her unconscious state coupled with the bitter cold air slowed her heart rate and, subsequently, her blood loss. He finally relented, and took the phone.

Kid gently lifted her off the ground, carrying her bridal style, and began to walk the way (Y/N) had been going. Conan hurried after them, dialing the phone number as he went.


It wasn't long before they managed to meet up with Dr. Agasa. Kid slid into the back seat of the yellow bug, still cradling (Y/N). Under normal circumstances, Conan wouldn't have stood for it, but these weren't exactly normal. He quickly climbed into the front seat, and Dr. Agasa sped off down the road.

They only drove for three minutes, before Dr. Agasa pulled up to his house. Conan was surprised, to say the least. He never imagined she would have gone so far, especially in her condition. He shook the thoughts from his head, and jumped out of the car. He hurried around to the drivers side. Kid was struggling to slide out of the back seat. Every time he tried to duck through the door, (Y/N) would let out a pained groan.

"Let Dr. Agasa take her." Conan whispered, trying to stay quiet so he didn't disturb her any further.

"No, just move the seat forward more." Kid instructed.

"It's as far forward as it can go."

"No it's not. Don't just lean the seat forward, slide the seat forward."

"You're not going to fit through with her, so just let Dr. Agasa take her."

"That'll be too much movement, are you trying to agitate her wounds more?"

"I'll just get out on my own if you don't shut up." A weak grumble interrupted the boys' bickering.

"(Y/N), you're awake!" Conan exclaimed.

"I am now. You two can't go five minutes without finding something to argue about, can you?" She grumbled. "Now, both of you get out of my way."

"You shouldn't be moving." Kid protested.

"Well, it's either that, or sit here and listen to you shits for another ten minutes." She pushed herself up out of Kid's arms, and slid her legs out the door. She stood up, and immediately fell forward. Dr. Agasa barely managed to catch her. "Dammit." She hissed through gritted teeth.

"(Y/N), let me help you inside." Dr. Agasa suggested.

She was quiet for a moment. Finally, she nodded.

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