"Then there shouldn't be any serious problem..." Reina frowns, the statement does not sit well with her tongue.

"But it is bothering me since we had some trouble with Crombel just a few days ago." Frankenstein stated, his hand on his chin while deeply thinking about what might happen with M-21. And that is why Frankenstein told Regis and Seira to patrol around the school too.

Tao frowns at the screen of his phone after reading a message that he just received.

"Tao, I found M-21's earpiece at the spot where we lost his signal." Takio immediately said after tapping his earpiece.

'That's understandable.' Tao thought but the message he received is not something to be ignored.

"That's not the problem." He said.

"What do you mean?" Takio asked from the other line.

"We just heard from KSA that there's a fight in area 32. It must be... M-21." Tao looks at Reina and Frankenstein who are reading the message, before looking back at his laptop.

"We tried to connect to the security camera there to assess the situation but we're getting interference so it will take some time to figure out exactly what is going on."

Takio gritted his teeth.

"Alright. I'll head over there for now." He replied.

"Reina, let's wait for Takio's confirmation." Frankenstein sighs when Reina stands up from her seat.

"But he is missing..."

"She's right." Raizel stands up too.

"I will go. Just stay here, both of you."

Raizel and Reina look at each other...


"... very well." Raizel returns to his seat while Reina glares at Frankenstein.

"Just bring him home."

"I will do my best." Frankenstein sighs but that did not give her comfort. The uncertainty in his voice only made her worry more but she had no choice but to return to her seat.

"Tao, stay behind to assess the situation and keep a close watch over the surrounding area in case something else happens. There's no telling what the Union or some other guys may do while we're absent. Crombell's guys might try to use this as a chance to do something." The last time they left the kids unattended, they almost died due to poison... that can't happen again.

"Will Takio and you be alright by yourselves, Boss? Rael and Karias are training on the island so they are not here, plus Regis and Seira can't leave their post since they're on guard near the kid's home and school." Tao looks at Frankenstein who sighs again.

"I know. Still, we can't just not go."

Frankenstein left, leaving Reina, Raizel, and Tao in the house. Tao and Reina are in the lab where his newly purchased high-tech computers are beautifully arranged. The screens are showing different footage of cameras from all over the city, while his hands are traveling from keyboards to keyboards. Reina stood behind him, arms crossed on her chest while looking at the screens. Tao sent drones all over the area where the fight took place since Frankenstein and Takio already arrived.

"Damn it!" Tao curse, slapping both of his hands on the table angrily.

"We still haven't found anything. We checked everywhere within the 10km radius of that area but there's nothing left." He said to his earpiece.

"Same thing over here." Said Takio from the line.

"Thankfully M-21 appears to have been taken away since we haven't found traces of him dying. There is a good chance that he's still alive." Tao reported. Reina clenches her hand that is under her chin before exhaling sharply.

"What joyful news..." Takio said sarcastically before continuing.

"...it makes me want to grind my teeth." Reina understands his frustrations, she, herself, is already frustrated about the results and footage that they gathered. Whoever did this, they are experts at hiding.

"I'm working hard to find him, too." Tao chuckles. Takio is usually calm, but it seems like M-21 grew on him.

"Ah! I found something! Check out the picture I sent you." Tao zooms in the picture on the screen for Reina to see.

"This is..." The back of the chair where Tao is sitting loudly cracks under Reina's hand. Raizel, who they didn't notice, rests his hand on her shoulders.

"Raizel... he was taken..." Reina stated between gritted teeth.

"This is the werewolf who fought with us before?" Takio clarified.

"That's right." Tao confirmed.

"Kentas... I already warned him..."

"I don't know why M-21 is with him, but judging from these pictures, it looks like they weren't hostile to one another. Although there's no telling how things turned out later... But this must have some connection to the present situation, right?" He then gestures one of the many screens opened.

"Judging from the figures measured by KSA and the traces of a battle, there was only one person who fought with M-21, but there was more than one person there. There must be at least someone who fought M-21 and another person who put up a protective barrier to keep their power from damaging the surrounding area." He explained.

"At least two people. The only people from the Union with that kind of power are Elders, but it wasn't them. Based on the situation, it's more likely to have been the werewolves than the Union."

"If it is them, then it makes sense. They are the experts at hiding after all." Reina nodded.

"All kinds of different species are bounding towards us." Reina heard Frankenstein.

"This sucks... I will try to contact Muzaka."

"Hasn't he been separated from the werewolves? It's even said that they are on hostile terms. And due to our recent encounter, we found out that he is now under Crombell's care." Tao frowns.

"There are no other options available right now. At least this is related to the guy that he spared, so we need to grab this chance and not let go." Reina can imagine the look on her lover right now.

Frankenstein sent a message to Crombell and Muzaka but to their dismay, the two have yet to give a response. It frustrates all of them that the waiting kept them up all night, monitoring the surrounding using the drones for any possible clues.

Takio suddenly groans, for him, the longer M-21 is missing, the lesser chance they are to see him alive. It may be an exaggeration but he may be right.

"We have to find him soon..." Takio said as he clenches both of his hands.

"I'm looking for traces of him, but there still isn't a single clue. And the boss said he contacted Muzaka so we'll just have to wait." Tao said, trying to calm him down a little.

"There's no guarantee that he knows anything about M-21's whereabouts."

"That's true. But right now, we don't have much choice but to wait."

Takio covers his face with his hands while trying to breathe normally.

"We'll find him... even if we have to crush everyone who will stand in our way to do so."

Author's Note:

I forgot to update last Friday... sorry!

Our prologue reached 1k reads! YEHEY!

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