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| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae Cha's POV

Finally, our plane touched down in Seoul, and the city greeted us with a blanket of darkness pierced by the glowing lights of bustling streets and towering buildings. Midnight felt inconsequential in this metropolis; here in Seoul, wakefulness thrived, an endless current that flowed through its inhabitants.

Unlike the ceaseless energy of the city, everyone on the plane, including Jungkook and me, wore the weight of exhaustion. The long and taxing flight had left its mark, pulling us into the clutches of drowsiness. Somewhere during the journey, weariness had won, and I had slipped into a fitful slumber in my seat. The jolt of landing abruptly ended my sleep, Jungkook's grip on my hand tight and startled. The plane had landed smoothly, but our fatigue had plunged us into deep sleep long before the wheels had met the tarmac.Rubbing the sleep from our eyes, we stood beneath the overhead compartments, carry-on bags in hand. My neck pillow clung awkwardly to my shoulders, a testament to my fatigue. The cabin lights flickered on, harsh against the dimness of the plane, illuminating the faces of fellow exhausted travelers. The contrast between the artificial glow inside and the distant airport lights seen through the window created a surreal scene.In the slow shuffle forward, we waited as the passengers ahead gathered their belongings. Hobeom's impatient gesture prodded us to move, and we trudged on, our steps sluggish and speech non-existent. It was as if the weariness had stolen our ability to communicate, reducing us to nods and grunts.Customs was a blur, with Hobeom acting as our guardian in our zombie-like state. An airport employee, empathetic to our exhaustion, expedited the process. The conversation was a distant thought as we moved through this haze, Jungkook and I mere shadows of our usual selves.Outside the airport's confines, the change in climate was a wake-up call. The frigid gusts of wind snapped me to attention, a stark reminder of Seoul's penchant for cold nights, even in the heart of summer. The chill pierced through my drowsiness, widening my perspective. Hobeom, unfazed by fatigue, stuffed Jungkook's bag into the back of our trusty old white van – the quintessential band van.The distant chimes of a clock echoed, melding with the honking of cars that seemed relentless even in the late hour. Surrounding voices spoke in Korean, a familiar melody that signaled our return. The cool night air, tinged with the scent of the city, helped clear the fog in my mind. As my luggage was unceremoniously stowed away by Hobeom and another staff member, I released it willingly. Breathing in deeply, I let my eyes fall shut, absorbing the moment. Then, as I exhaled, I reopened them, allowing the reality to wash over me.Jungkook and I were finally back home, on the precipice of reuniting with our friends, our hyungs. The journey had been long, the fatigue all-encompassing, but the prospect of seeing familiar faces infused us with a renewed energy.

After a long car ride full of rushing cars in the dead of the night, tons of neon and unnatural lights through the streets of busy shops, clubs, pubs, and restaurants all filled with all types of life we had finally arrived in front of BigHit's dorms. The dingy building looking even more hideous in the dark than I remember but after basically living in a 5-star vacation condo I guess an old pre-war, run-down, shoe manufacturing building can only be gussied up to a point where it's just barely liveable. Gross or not, it was still where I called home, and in there rested six very important boys. I couldn't help but find myself smiling ear to ear, we were told- more like ordered, by the staff member not to disturb or wake the boys. They apparently had vocal practice at 7 AM, which included us too. Now back in Korea, the realization hit me hard there was no more taking it or easy or relaxed Hobeom. Everything is tense, on schedule, an order, a demand. Pushing yourself till you couldn't stand.
I sighed and didn't reply just nodded my head along with Jungkook as we tried our best to be quiet as we gathered up our belongings and exited the van.

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