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| Korean Words meaning |

Still none, lol.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Time Skip, Was June 13th. Now June 28th.*

"Haha, that's fantastic news! Well, folks, you heard Rap Monster, the leader of the emerging BigHit group, BTS. Go ahead and check out their debut album '2 Cool 4 Skool' now! I wish your group a joyful and prosperous debut" the enthusiastic host beamed, turning toward us with a cheerful smile under the bright lights and heavy digital recording equipment. We tried our best not to show any discomfort, but those lights were undeniably dazzling. I could feel myself getting warm in my leather outfit as the host smiled widely at the cameras.

She sat gracefully, her long, slender legs crossed elegantly. Her modest yet colorful fishtail dress clung to her mature and slender frame. Her hair appeared soft and feathery as she glanced at us once more, though this time her smile shifted into a look of distaste as the lights dimmed, and the camera director shouted 'cut.' Swiftly, she pulled out a concealed purse from behind her chair leg, rummaged through it, and retrieved a pack of cigarettes. She placed one between her lips and lit it, not missing a beat, seemingly unaffected by our presence as she indulged in her unsavory habit.

"Alright, are we finally done here?" she exclaimed, directing her voice towards her crew. She ignored us completely, as if we were mere spectators, witnessing this woman shed her false facade like a snake shedding its skin.

"That's a wrap!" a producer from behind the scenes announced.

"Thank goodness" the once-beautiful and poised hostess muttered as she sprang up from her seat. Her dress swayed dramatically with each brisk step she took away from us, cigarette still in hand, dismissing us like unwelcome intruders in her home.

"I'm growing weary of these up-and-coming K-pop interviews, Donghae. The next time I interview a K-pop group, I want it to be someone significant, like Bigbang, or oh! What's that group from their company? 90210? Yes, next time, get me them. No more charity cases; I want stars!" The hostess declared, pausing with her manager at the edge of the set, speaking loudly enough for all of us to hear.

I sighed inwardly, trying to suppress the bitterness rising in my throat. It was harsh, but it was the reality we faced. Our debut had only taken place fifteen days ago, and despite our constant appearances, performances, interviews, fan meetings, and social media efforts, we weren't exactly setting the world on fire. Our songs hadn't soared up the charts; in fact, I wasn't sure if they even made it onto any charts. We hadn't become social media sensations like Kyong's group or those pretentious 90210 triplets. We weren't failing, but we weren't excelling either. The staff kept encouraging us not to lose hope and give it time, but it was difficult not to compare ourselves to other groups, particularly those under the same BigHit label.

At night, I would stay up, pondering and staring at the ceiling trying to figure out how to grow the attention of our group but no matter what attempts we made to make a bigger presence on stage or off it. It didnt work.

"What a bitch" Taehyung whispered sly under his breath, earning some proud snickers from his fellow members, including me. The nasty hostess looked back at us, trying to see what we found so funny but when she studied our faces and saw we had gone straight-faced and emotionless once more she snorted in disgust before walking away. Probably off to go cause some hell for some inter somewhere.
"Can you believe the nerve of her?" Seokjin expressed in utter disbelief as we began our way off stage, standing up from the uncomfortable and tall stool seats they put together last minute for us. As the boys talked, we walked our way offset as tons of staff and production members tried their best to wrap everything up. It was a Friday after all, everyone was excited to get off and party and relax all weekend. Must be nice.

Generations Expectation's | 8th member of BTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن