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| Korean Words meaning |

Still none, lol.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Was August 2nd, Now August 30th*

The stage loomed ahead, bright and vibrant, as I stood in the shadows. The music thumped through me, setting my nerves on edge. It had been a month of intense healing, physical therapy, and relentless practice sessions. Today marked my first official performance back with BTS, a moment both longed for and feared.
It felt so surreal as I stood, my legs already aching.

After enduring more grueling physical therapy sessions and juggling singing and dance practices, I was finally cleared to perform again.
The dull ache in my back was a constant reminder of the trauma, but I pressed on because I couldn't wait anymore even if my body and doctors didn't think I was fully ready this was BTS's last performance before a new album would be released. I would be back in officially but I wanted to be a tiny part of this more successful comeback even if it was just for one performance. Fans were unaware of the horrors; to them, my absence was due to health issues, and thanks to BigHit's lengthy shake that's all they'll ever get out of me.  They will never know of me being kidnapped or the downside of hiring my said kidnapper. No.
All they will think is I was out for a lengthy health-related surgery.

As the vibrant performance unfolded on the stage before BTS, the resounding cheers of the crowd reverberated through the air, setting my heart into a rapid race. The audience, blissfully unaware of the internal struggles I grappled with, unknowingly heightened my anxiety. The boys had flourished in my absence, and the looming fear of falling short of their standards weighed heavily on my mind. They were eagerly anticipating my return to the stage, tired of hearing my recorded vocals without my physical presence.
The cheers of the crowd reached a crescendo as the preceding group concluded their performance, and the stage manager signaled us to take center stage. At that moment, I inhaled deeply, attempting to quell the storm raging within me. The boys, oblivious to the turmoil beneath the surface, gathered around, sharing smiles and nods of encouragement.

"Okay, group, bring it in." Namjoon called out into the dark, rustling air around us. We huddled together, hands intertwining in a crowded circle.
"This is our last performance, so we're going to give it our all, but we aren't pushing ourselves." Namjoon continued his words resonating in the pre-performance stillness.

"You're on in 10" a staff member announced, signaling us to break our huddle and move into position.
"Ready? Bangtan."
"Bangtan." echoed the boys, each filled with either excitement or, like me, burdened with heavy nerves.

Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung exuded infectious energy as we stepped forward, poised to captivate the awaiting audience. The cheers and screams engulfed my ear that didn't have an earpiece in it. Hidden behind the positioning of the boys, they intended my reappearance to be a grand surprise. Despite my best efforts, my heart pounded relentlessly in my chest, and catching my breath proved to be a formidable challenge.
As we took our places on the dazzling stage, the rhythm of my heart felt more like a drumroll, echoing the anticipation and tension within me. I stood there in flashy performance attire, a testament to the morning spent in a chair, enduring the meticulous efforts of the hair and makeup team. Their skilled hands worked to doll me up, camouflaging the evident weight loss from the days of starvation. They strategically added volume under my ribs to create a semblance of shape, and makeup artfully concealed my sunken eyes. In the mirror, a glamorous version of myself stared back, a stark contrast to the unfamiliar reflection I had grown accustomed to.

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