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| Korean Words meaning |

 Still none, lol.

 Anything in regular font = Korean

 Anything in Italics = English

 Anything in Bold = Spanish

 Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Was May 26th, Still 26th *

After today's earlier events, I and Jungkook grew increasingly shy of one another's presence. Soon after our outburst of longing, and reinsurance, the other older members soon got up and started getting ready for a long day of travel. Jungkook and I skid past one another, brushing shoulders only lighting me in heated cheeks and flushes of embarrassment after my very open confession of feelings. I didn't tell Jungkook I had feelings for him but my actions might as well have. I couldn't tell if Jungkook had finally seen through the curtains because if he did; he didn't make it apparent. His skin leaving mine would result in me growing warm in timidness, and my eyes would fall to my feet. If he had the same reaction I couldn't tell. I felt foolish acting so un-logically but seeing someone I care for so much crying over me, worried I didnt like them, or mad at them made my brain turn to putty and I fell dangerously unguarded.

In the dorm, we performed a synchronized dance of sorts, moving in and out as we fetched our luggage, helped the older members prepare for their departure, and navigated through the morning chaos. I decided to prepare breakfast once again, this time for everyone. I kept it simple, whipping up scrambled eggs and toast. I left out butter, jam, and a mix of ketchup and gochujang sauce for each of the boys to add to their liking—quick and easy options for the bustling morning. As I worked in the kitchen, it felt like being a chef in the midst of a culinary whirlwind. I'd turn around to plate the scrambled eggs or toast, only to find that the batch I'd just made had vanished, devoured by the ever-busy boys.

"Taehyung where did you put my blue, H&M hoodie?"  Jin yells, across the dorm, his suitcase open and lying in the foyer of the busy and messy dorm with other open and ready-to-go bags. 

"I packed it in mine" Taehyung shouts in reply, before chugging down his coffee from yet another freshly made pot I had made. His hair was disheveled and not yet brushed out but he was in full attire, the airport fashion he worked effortlessly on as if the press would be waiting for us as soon as we arrived; which was very unlikely but I didnt wish to burst his bubble.

"What! Why? You guys can't keep stealing my clothes." Jin, the oldest pouts as if a child, Namjoon nearby on the floor packing up some last-minute jeans, which he probably wouldn't need in the hot LA summer, laughs at the expense of his older member. If I closely examined Namjoon's suitcase I could see one of Jin's swimming trunks packed away, we all stole one another clothes, including me, I was not at fault simply because of my gender. Their hoodies and tees, fitting loosely and huge on me provided me with comfy workout clothes and nightwear.

At that moment, Yoongi walked in, wearing one of my yellow graphic tees, not even I was safe from having my clothes stolen by the boys. "Is that my shirt?" I ask as Yoongi comes up to my side, grabbing a bowl from the cabinet and sloppily filling it with tons of scrambling eggs. "Yes it is, I thought it went better with my jeans" he says as he drenches the eggs in the ketchup and gochujang mix, before plopping a slice of toast in the bowl. "Guys! Stop taking my clothes, you are stretching them out!" I yelled, following in protest with Jin. Yoongi brushes off my request by patting the top of my head before walking off, eating, and getting back to throwing his shower bag into his suitcase. "Don't worry Ae Cha, you don't have to worry about me stealing your clothes- I have way better taste in fashion than you anyways" Hoseok mocks teasingly, he sits at the kitchen island, spreading strawberry jam on a piece of toast before putting eggs on top, I cringe my nose in disgust as I watch him, finding the food combo not pleasant looking. "Yeah, Im the one with no taste" I said joking back with him as I shoveled out the last pile of toast, looking at Hoseok to give him a quick eye roll before I began to clean up my morning mess.

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