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| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Time Skip, Was February 11th. Now April 6th*

2 months, 08 days till BTS debut

"Again!" The dance director's applause resonated, initiating another round of our exhausting dance routine. We restarted from the top of the chorus, bodies moving in precise unison. This must have been our fiftieth repetition, yet our commitment remained unswerving. My priority was projecting an air of confidence despite the internal struggle my lungs waged for oxygen. "More passion!" The director's instructions spurred us on, their crew working diligently to ensure the music video's magnificence. Today, our focus lay on filming the core dance choreography – a warm-up for the more elaborate scenes planned for tomorrow. I anticipated the next day, with its grand set and intricate stunts, promising a gritty and captivating visual. Our debut was fierce, intense, and impactful – qualities that resonated with me. It was a departure from the sugary pop I admired but never identified with.

"Again!" The collective groan of exhaustion echoed as we completed another round of our routine. Weariness was noticeable, some of us faltering, others barely able to move. "Take ten!" The director commanded, and we collapsed, seeking relief on the floor. The staff rushed to our aid – makeup artists dabbed away sweat, stylists adjusted outfits, crew members fanned us, offered water, and even our manager, Hobeom, checked on a seemingly injured Hoseok. Chaos reigned.

I found myself sprawled on the floor, chest heaving, my gaze fixed on the ceiling rafters. The intensity of the stage lights cast an enveloping radiance. When I shut my eyes, the residual red hue lingered on my eyelids. A soft voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Water?" I opened my eyes to find a diminutive staff member extending a water bottle towards me. I sat up, eyes adjusting to the light, and accepted the bottle with gratitude. Her nervous smile was endearing, and her distinctive features captured my attention. Dressed in the standard BigHit staff shirt, her choice of cargo khakis was an intriguing anomaly. She seemed different, though I couldn't quite place why.
"Yes, please. Thank you" I replied, reaching for the water. Her swift response earned her a nod of thanks as I downed the water like a parched desert traveler. The bottle was returned just as quickly. "Thanks" I managed after catching my breath. A pause followed, her gaze unwavering, leaving me slightly uncomfortable.
"I'm a huge fan of Rain! She was my idol growing up. It's such an honor to meet you!" Her confession tumbled out, an unprofessional admission of her fandom for my mother. I chuckled awkwardly, familiar with such encounters. Speaking on my mother's behalf was challenging – I feared my reactions would impact their perception of her. I didn't wish to dismiss or hurt anyone, yet it was painful to be reminded of her greatness in her absence. I was disappointed that even at work, I couldn't escape these situations.
"Ah, that's sweet. I'm sure she would be pleased to see one of her fans pursuing a career in the entertainment industry" I replied with a forced smile, hoping the conversation would conclude. My attention darted around, searching for a distraction – the resumption of filming or the arrival of another staff member. Yet, I was left in this uncomfortable exchange. Her gaze remained fixed, and I sensed more words were imminent.
"She and her group were major inspirations! I expect the same to be true for you and yours!  I can't wait for your debut! Fighting~" Her excitement bubbled over as staff members hurried to their places, signaling the imminent continuation of filming. The boys started pulling themselves together, but not me. I was lost in thought, her words lingering. True, the anticipation wasn't for my debut, but for a resemblance to my mother. People longed to witness her legacy in me.
"Ae cha?" Hoseok's voice pierced through my thoughts, his tap on my head urging me to focus. I couldn't retreat within myself. I had to push on, and carve an identity for myself and my fellow members – one distinct from my mother. "Ah, yes, sorry" I responded, rising to my feet. The director's command initiated another round of filming, and my mind re-engaged.

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