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| Korean Words meaning |

Sungmo; Aunt

Sachon; Cousin

Eomeoni; Mother / Eomma; Mommy

Ya / a; At the end of a name in Korea it means casual. Used only between close friends and people who are familiar with each other.

Hyung(s); At the end of a name or used alone is the MALE honorific of addressing an older brother.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae Cha POV

"Are you sure you don't mind carrying my bag Yoonjae?" I asked feeling guilty watching this man take out one of the two of my suitcases and my big body pillow. I was aware the bags were heavy, everything I had owned in Korea had followed me around in these two suitcases. I already had the other suitcase by my side and the bag I was carrying earlier on my back but I felt bad making him carry any of my stuff, I had the complex of always helping myself.
"Not at all, to be honest, so far you are the member who has packed the lightest. I had one member bring three suitcases of just clothes plus like five more boxes of like comic books and toys" he said, smiling, finding the memory a good one and not as awful as it sounded.

I chuckled finding the story cute, I couldn't wait to meet that member, I actually couldn't wait to meet any member, the idea was so thrilling and new.
"Well, I don't have nor need a lot. Creature of simplicity" I said as we began our way into the dorm building. The manager Yoonjae smiled at my choice of words but continued on into the building. "So this is a BigHit dorm building so that being said other trainees of other BigHit groups live here, so, quick little refresher, don't try to be so loud, go visiting other dorms frequently especially the boys, or bother others" Yoonjae spoke a lecture he probably gave every trainee who he brought to live here as we made our way to the elevator. As we walked through the lobby I couldn't note how shabby this place was compared to their headquarters. It was an older apartment building, too old to guess the year it was built but the hideous peeling stick on the tiled floor gave signs of wear and tear. The walls were brown and I couldn't tell if it was the color it was painted or just dust and muck that caked it that way. No real decor littered the lobby, just a wall of half-broken steel mailboxes and shabby overhead lights filled the space of the entrance. There was the elevator and the door leading to a stairway but besides that, I couldn't make heads or tails of any human life here.
"Okay," I said confirming I heard him but I wrapped up making out where I would be calling home now. 

"Your group's dorm is on the fourth floor, in the contract, it is stated this is the only floor we want you on unless we tell you otherwise" he declared as he pressed the '4' button, the old creak as the elevator shifted up to made me clutch my bag more in nervousness.
"Don't worry Yoonjae-hyung I'll make sure not to cause any trouble." I said trying to hide my excitement as the elevator made its way up the floors. "Hyung?" he repeated looking at me confused but yet he still held a smile on his face. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I have been living in America for a long while. I'm horrible at honorifics when I'm-" I started to profusely apologize but he was quick to cut me off with laughter making me feel even more embarrassed than I already was for accidentally making my lack of Korean known.
"It's okay, it's okay. I don't mind. Yoonjae-Hyung, Yoonjae-ya whatever you want to call me I don't mind. I'm here to help you guys, so don't worry do whatever makes you comfortable Ae Cha" He said showing signs of comfort with me and kindness. I loosen up a bit after that and realized I didn't need to be so tense around our managers- well at least with him. "Thank you" I said as the elevator stopped and the doors opened with an ear-scratching hum to the 4th floor. "Here we are" he boosted getting off and walking to the door on the left, he clunked my suitcase down and was quick to follow after him. "This is your dorm- the boy's dorm is across from you. I'm guessing after you get settled they would love to talk to you. If you like I can go tell everyone to have a little meeting so you all can finally meet." He said as I unlocked my door and held it open so he could drag my suitcase in and put it down. I flicked on the lights for him. "That sounds wonderful" I said holding the door open for him to leave, though he was nice, I was tired and was ready to just sit for a moment, alone, in peace. He gave me a smile, catching my drift before walking past me, he understood the exhaustion on my face, he properly experienced it well himself with a job like his. "Okay great, does a meeting around, let's see 12 PM, work with you?" he asked as he checked his phone, confirming the time. "Um..." I quickly rummaged through my small bag to find my cell phone. The time read 10:45 AM "Yes that seems fine, thank you" I said pushing away from the door and bowing to him wanting to show my thanks and appreciation. He wished me bye and luck and soon we were parting ways. I closed the door and seconds later I could already hear Yoonjae knocking on the door across from me. I didn't listen in out of politeness.  

Generations Expectation's | 8th member of BTSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя