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| Korean Words meaning |

Hyungs; Honorific Males use while addressing their older brother.

Oppa; Honorific Females use while addressing their older brother.

Maknae; Youngest person (s) in a group of friends.

Ae-Cha; Name in Korean means 'Loving Daughter'

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae-Cha's POV

Today is the day. The years of hard work, tears, and sweat have all led up to this very moment. I have always had high exceptions, always chasing behind me that I needed and wanted to live up to. But honestly, what kid doesn't want to be just like their parent? Especially when that parent was a famous idol. Today is the day I go from a Kpop idol trainee wannabee to a full-blown trainee of BigHit's Entertainment company. My life as a member of a girl Kpop group was about to begin and I couldn't be more enthusiastic!

Or so I thought...

I could just squeal with excitement as I promptly walked down the walkway leading into the BigHit Entertainment headquarters. I pinched myself on the sides of my thighs with my one free hand that was not holding a bag filled to the brim with paperwork; attempting to contain myself. I take a deep breath before pushing through the big glass doors. I was walking up to the service desk pretending to be confident, even though inside I'm a nervous wreck. I curse myself inside my head- it wasn't easy to stay subdued but yet I was here, I was in, I was moving so that was enough. I reach the front desk with a few more disassociated steps. The receptionist makes note of me but doesn't address me so I take that as my sign to speak first. So I word vomited at her.
 "Hello, my name is Choi Ae-Cha I'm here to sign some contracts and filings with a manager, named Sejin-nim? " I say trying to sound polite and not at all confused but a hint of a little excitement and sheepishness came out as I spoke my overly zealous words. The receptionist gave me a puzzled look, I try to make mental note and hope I used the right honorifics as I spoke but the words I just spoke are a blur to me and Im beginning to feel my fake sense of morale slipping. She types something on a large computer beside her before speaking to me. "Take a seat, I will call you up in a moment for your appointment" she says before turning her attention back to her computer screen, now uninterested in me. I bowed narrowly before gathering myself, my bag swung around in front of me as I make my way over to one of the free seats in the spacious, modern, and quite frankly a bit overly expensive lobby and I didn't mean that last part in a good way. Various staff and workers of BigHit roam about evidently heading to go work on whatever their task may be to keep this place a top-running company. In the lobby with me are some people I assume were waiting for interviews or to speak to someone from a certain department. Their morning business attire sat on them flat pressed and fashionably professional while the people in these clothes looked rather groggy from recently waking up. I make notice I only see maybe one or two more people about my age sitting in the lobby mixed in with the work professionals and I begin to wonder if they are also in the process of trying to become trainees but I don't let my mind wander long about them. I couldn't let my mind wander too much, my aunt says I let myself do that way too much. I need to cut back. It's a revolution of sorts. Im doing it now for example, not really good for focusing as you can tell. When I'm finally seated and comfortable I lean over in my chair and open my bag. I start searching through my stuff to find my cell phone it takes a minute but I eventually retrieve it from under the tons of papers just stuffing my bag. I needed a distraction from the nerves.

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