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| Korean Words meaning |

Eonni; A female's older sister.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae Cha's POV 

Before Yoonjae drops us off to go grocery shopping we all had to clean up from dance practice since we were all pretty rank-smelling.
Surprisingly the dance studio had locker rooms in the back; a girl, and a boy.
I parted ways with the boys after Namjoon said we will all gather up in the front.
I headed in and was happy to see if they actually had a pretty decent clean and good size locker room. The showers were set up like an American locker room though with one big room for showering with multi-shower heads and knobs on the wall.
I just kept getting lucky today as well because there seem to be no other girls in here.
I carried the clothes and towel I grabbed out of Namjoon's bag and I put the clothes into the nearest empty locker.
I quickly undressed myself putting my bra and undies with my clean clothes since I didn't bring any extra ones before taking the rest of my sweaty dance clothes and putting them into a spare plastic bag they offered in the locker room. I could hardly believe the guys when they said there were showers for us to wash up in. This old building didnt look cable of having any running water, let alone a whole locker room but I stood corrected.
I put the bag and shoes into the locker before wrapping the towel around me and heading into the shower room.
I picked a shower head on the very back wall in the corner so if anyone walked in they wouldn't see me instantly because of the wall behind me that obstruct people's view of the rest of the locker room.
I kept my towel on as I fiddled with the shower nobs trying to get it to a good temperature but if it wasn't freezing it was scorching hot, it took maybe two or three minutes for the water to finally cool down enough not to be so insanely hot.
When it was nice and warm I took off my towel and hung it on this rack that was in between each shower so there was a way for everyone to grab a dry towel when they were done which was nice because back in middle school in America I had to run and grab my towel from a bench outside of the showers which were extremely uncomfortable.
I got in washing away all the sweat on my body that had added up, I didn't bring any soap or anything like that so I was just doing this to feel less grimy.
"Did you see me today Jin? I was doing so great at practice today!"
Was that Taehyung's voice? I looked around, and I saw no one in the locker room but the voices continued.
"Ya you did great- I was more impressed with Ae Cha though than anything" Seokjin said mocking Taehyung.
"Hey that's mean!" Taehyung explained making all the boys laugh and carry on their odd little conversations.
Why could I hear all the boy's voices? Of course, their voices weren't one hundred percent clear but it sounded like they were right there in front of me but more muffled. I focused in on the voices more.
"Taehyung, I noticed you and Ae Cha were acting all blushy and weird early during practice what was that all about?"
I heard someone speak again, recognizing Namjoon's deep voice instantly this time.
"Oh during practice there was this move we had to do, that was a bit, how I would explain- sensual and I accidentally overstepped and actually ended up touching her which threw us both off" Taehyung said speaking so honestly sounding like he wasn't embarrassed or have anything to hide. Unaware the truths that his words held. Why did he have to tell them, really? How gauche.
"Pervert" Jungkook yelled as both he spoke, then there was a sound of a small, hollow item hitting against the other side of the wall directly in front of me making me jump, my heart rate raising slightly from the scar.
Then it hit me, well not literally, but the showers were directly across from each other so we were all in the showers.....together only a sheer brick wall separating us.

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