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| Korean Words meaning |

  Appa: Is 'Daddy' in Korean

Eomma : Is 'Mommy' in Korean

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae Cha's POV

"Thank you Yoonjae" Seokjin said as our van stops in front of an 'E mart' grocery store.
"Its no problem boys, we will be talking later about why I took so long today. But that's another battle for another day. Enjoy yourselves, I'll most likely be gone when you get back"  Yoonjae said explaining before we all started piling out of the van thanking him a million times. He waved us off before Jungkook closed the van door. Before I knew it he went driving down the street to our dorm which was apparently only a fifteen-minute walk from here and only a four-minute drive. Not bad at all but I was in disbelief he was so okay with just leaving us alone. I thought this company would be a lot stricter or have managers who kept better watch over their trainees. I guess not.
"Okay kiddos, time to shop for food and toilet paper" Namjoon said coming back to being his upbeat, leading self.
"If you added sleep to that list that would've been my heaven" Yoongi added making some of the guys laugh and setting a more relaxed atmosphere once more for the group. I may have ruined that ambiance earlier today with my sudden outburst at others. God, I was embarrassed but yet everyone seemed unbothered by me. It made me feel weary but relaxed at the same time. I had to stay in check. Not ruin the fun once again.
"Yoongi if we get a cart you can get in and nap and I'll push you down the aisles" I said joking but he looked at me wide-eyed before turning to Seokjin seeking approval but was instantly shot down with a hard 'no'.
He gave me a defeated sigh and it made me smile. Im glad they were okay with me right now, I hope it would stay like this at least until we talk later. I was not looking forward to that talk.

We made our way inside, E mart was a lot like an American grocery store since it was such a popular chain business in Korea but here they had just more variety of Korean food items than anything else.
They even had an aisle dedicated to just ramen cups and coffees. It was only so huge because we are in Seoul and everything is huge in Seoul, however, I remember E mart being a lot smaller in Busan, but that was so long ago.
"Okay, where to first captain?" I asked trying to be peppy and more positive to not ruin any more of the day as I and Jungkook grabbed two shopping carts.
Namjoon turned back at me a little startled by my cheerful attitude before giving me a kind smile and than looking down at his list and notes, he seemed happy for my less sulking manner, I wanted to keep it that way.
"Let's get all the dry, canned, and boxed foods first then make our way to refrigerated stuff and fresh produce so it doesn't get to warm or melt while shopping" he said like a father leading a group of children. For whatever reason, he even made shopping seem so organized and put together.
"Aye, aye captain to the cereal it is! Yoongi! Hop on" I said looking at Yoongi hoping he would go along with my childish antics. I wonder if I was coming out too strong.
However, Yoongi laughed, and surprisingly he was ready to disturb everyone just like me. He jumped on to the bottom edge of the shopping cart.
"To the cookie crisp!" he roared in a dramatic fashion imitating me causing me to chuckle as I started pushing him and the cart towards to the breakfast aisle as we got some judging stares from workers and other shoppers. I was surprised at how light and easy it was to push my hyung around.
We turned into the breakfast food aisle and Yoongi promptly grabbed a box of cookie crisps and put it in the cart before jumping off.
"Mission success" he said before he high-fived me. Yoongi was actually a fun, good guy, I had been so standoffish to him at first, sort of scared he was a mean dude but I was starting to pick up he just had a more reclusive personality, he didn't hate people he just enjoyed music, sleep, and food more than human interaction and it was clear he had his good days and bad days and today seem to be a good day for him. I could understand that, I was the same way at times.
Today is a bad day for me, for example.
"What about the others- no one deserves not to have their favorite cereals" I said in a really lively and considerate fake voice indicating I was trying to cause trouble.
"So what you are saying is we should buy eight boxes of sugar of cereal?" Yoongi asked confirming what I was indicating.
"It tis only the selfless thing to do" I said laughing a bit while speaking making him chuckle as if he was getting what I was trying to pull.
"It's very selfless of us, here let's get some fruity pebbles" he said reaching for them on the shelf. "Here, I don't know if anyone's favorite cereal is Cocoa puffs but if someone doesn't like them then they are evil" I said as I grabbed the box and put it into the cart.
"Can't forget the Lucky Charms"
"Of course, of course, and we are definitely going to need some Trix to go along with that" I said as Yoongi and I kept piling up more and more cereal.
By the time we were done we basically had every type of cereal in our cart. It was a sight to behold.
"I believe we have done some real good here Hyung" I said laughing before the group finally caught up. They seem to have had trouble finding out, cause they looked astonished to find us here.
"What is all of this?!" Seokjin hollered, looking a bit peeved seeing maybe sixteen boxes of different kinds of cereal in our cart.
"The work of a true hero" Yoongi replied looking as serious as he usually does.
"Guys we can't afford all of this, you can only get two!" Namjoon said scolding us which was funny to me since Yoongi was older than him.
"Yep that was we got, two dozen" I said replying with a cheeky smile, getting more fun out of this than I care to admit.
"No just two boxes" Namjoon said correcting me.
"Ae Cha if you have tape we can tap them all together as two big boxes" Yoongi said looking at me really hoping I had tape on me. Though his plan was genius, Namjoon and Seokjin's faces seem to beg to differ otherwise.
"No! Just-ugh two regular-size boxes" Namjoon explained getting tired of our childish loop-arounds.
"Huh fine, you're no fun Namjoon," Yoongi said putting everything back but cookie crisp and fruity pebbles.

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