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| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

It was April 21st,2012. Now it's June 30th, 2012.

Ae Cha's POV

I lay in the dorm living room, the boys are all off in their bunks fast asleep. Blissful and unaware.
It's rolling into 3 AM, I'm uneasy and unable to sleep.
The TV's volume is very low as I sit on the sofa just faintly following what's going on on the screen.
I couldn't rest, how could anyone under these conditions?
In less than three hours I was getting on a plane and going back to America for the first time in almost two years. It was an exhilarating experience, it was going to be like a mini-vacation for Jungkook and me except for the fact we would be dancing for almost twelve hours a day and the whole trip was all work-related anyways.
I barely had enough funds for the tickets, and I barely had any money for this whole month's trip  it was overwhelming to think about all the things I would need money for, with laundry, food, and transcription cost I hardly had enough to live off o.
The one good thing about this whole situation I would say was E mart was very understanding of my sudden leaving, they even offered for me to take back my position when I got back but I was too embarrassed to give an answer for that right there and then after just quitting to go dance in America for a month.
It was a silly and odd request for wanting to leave a job.
I would just have to find another place to work when I got back maybe, but I'll worry about that a month from now.
My aunt was very excited to hear I was coming back to America, I thought she would be upset I would be in LA which is nowhere near Ohio but she said it was fine and she was presumably going to bring Cassie and Gabe to LA for a weekend or maybe even a week trip to see me since it was there summer break and they did need something to do.
I was so happy to hear that news but felt unbelievably guilty.
I try to warn her I was coming to Los Angeles for dancing and that most of my day I would just be dancing but even still she didn't care, she and my cousins really wanted to see me.
I told her what week on my schedule looked the least busy and just planned to come up and stay that week or weekend depending on her money situation at the time.
I even offered to pay for some of their trips, but she refused. I was so eager she was coming but knew I was doing a lot by asking her to spend money to come to see me.
Everything was falling into place, I should be thrilled about this trip but yet, but I was scared of leaving the rest of the boys for a month.
These guys had become my closest friends over the past ten months.
A daily part of my life.
Leaving them behind while they worked so hard on the album really bothered me, some of our music was already recorded or in process of being recorded, and our teaser music video and photo concept photos were already taken before our voyage.
I knew I would have more to do when we got back in August but being gone for a month felt like I was going to miss a huge chunk of everything.
Another thing that made me feel remorseful.
A list of things like this filled my head and made me feel torn up.
The list was the main reason I couldn't get any proper rest. I was anxious.
I slumped back deeper into the sofa, it was quiet. The only source of noise and light came from the TV.
It was ridiculous to think but I was just going to miss silly little things like being able to sit here and watch TV with all of the group like we always did.
I was really going to miss the home I built here in Korea.

"Can't sleep either?" a dark figure appeared, asking me its sudden and surprising question which scared me.
Once the dark figure came out of the boy's room, the silhouette stepped into the aura of the TV lights revealing the identity of the faceless shadow, it was Yoongi.
My heart eased, and I calmed myself once more seeing it was only one of my friends, unable to sleep coming out of his room.
"Nah" I stated looking at him before turning back to the flashy cartoon on the screen, now less scared and less worried.
Yoongi sighed before walking over and dropping into a spot close to me on the sofa.
He seemed tired even though he claimed he couldn't sleep. I didnt want to overwhelm him with talking or questions, so I waited to see if wanted to talk first, if he didnt I wouldn't mind just sitting here in the silence with him.
This wasn't my first sleepless night with Yoongi sadly.
"Anything good on?" He asked, indicating he was okay with talking tonight.
"Nope" I said before changing the subject.
"Nightmare again?" I asked turning my head slightly to study his exhausted-looking face. His hair was messy and shuffled, he must have been tossing and turning for a while until he finally gave up and came out here.
"Nope, just a little too overwhelmed to sleep" he responded getting comfier on the couch. I wanted to offer to get him some tea to help him sleep, but I was too tired to get up right now.
"Ah, I'm sorry to hear you are so troubled." I voiced before taking the blanket covering my legs and laying it across him so we were both covered.
Engulfing us both in warmth and comfort.
Late-night meetups at the dorm's sofa seem like a tradition for Yoongi and me nowadays.
With America and our debut just beyond the horizon, we found it more difficult and tougher to rest a full eight hours.
"Guessing you are up because you are nervous about the American trip, right?" he asked reading me like a book, Yoongi was always the savviest and most perspective one of the group. It seemed that most days I would end up staying up late to talk to Yoongi because we seem to be the only ones with sleeping problems.
I nodded my head yes "ya, I should be all hyped up for it like Jungkook but I'm just worried and sad to leave the rest of you behind" I expressed pulling my legs into my body and laying my chin on my knees as I began to sulk to myself while watching the TV.
I felt Yoongi study me for a second before reaching out to pat my back softly and then began to rub calming circles on my back with his fingers, he knew I enjoyed small gestures like that even though he wasn't huge on sharing affectionate skinship.
"You aren't leaving us, we are just a phone call away and it's only for a month it's not like you aren't ever going to see us again. God Ae Cha you are too melodramatic" he said teasing me, I let a little soft, tired chuckle at Yoongi's attempts to lighten my mood before turning my head and resting my cheeks on my knees to look at Yoongi's face for only a moment before pulling out of my sitting position.
I knew if I sat there, just staring at him it may weird him out too much.
"I guess you are right. I don't know, just you guys are my best friends, my family. I know I will have Jungkook and I'm glad to go with him. I couldn't bear the thought of him being alone but it's hard.
I feel like I'm not helping out enough with our album by leaving" I said leaning back on the sofa and clarifying how I really felt to Yoongi.
Even though all the boys and I were close I still have problems with being open and talking about my issues, even with all that has happened and all the time we all spent together.
But with Yoongi it was easier for me to talk to him because he listened closely and spoke truthfully, he wasn't just trying to spit out advice for an instant fix. His words were all given great attention.
He laughed, it was such a nice soothing sound to listen to.
"Oh, you are serious? Ae Cha, you have done more than enough right now you and Jungkook improving your own dancing skills will help more than you know. We need everyone at 105% for when we debut, you want BTS to have a good impression right?" I nodded my head, yes making Yoongi crack a gummy smile before wrapping his arm around my back and pulling me to lean my weight into the side of him before giving me a tight side squeeze.
I became less tense to his sudden pull on me after a second, then I meddled easily into his hold. Yoongi was outwardly touchy so when he did something like this you had to enjoy it at the moment before it was gone.
"Good, now just rest for a bit. There is no need to panic Bangtan will succeed and we will wait for both of your guys to return in August" he said simply holding my body into his as he began to focus on the cartoon on the TV.
That was it, his advice and talk to me were over. He had concluded his thoughts and I was happy with what he had told me. It was nice hearing I was reliable and didnt need to stress so much, it made me feel secure.
So, I let myself rest against Yoongi.
I nodded taking everything in that he said, I'm glad I have such caring friends. I pulled the blanket a little more over me before letting my eyes close and drift off with Yoongi comforting and supporting me. It was a good rest.

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