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| Korean Words meaning |

Still none, lol.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Still November 23rd *

After a seemingly endless hour of relentless crying, Kyong had finally calmed down, although her speech remained a jumbled mess through her muffled sobs. I repeatedly asked her to clarify her words, but the frustration of not being able to express herself properly only caused more tears. It became a heart-wrenching cycle. Seokjin, the eldest among us, responded by preparing a bowl of warm water and fetching a clean washcloth. He had developed a knack for tending to the emotional needs of the members of BTS, dealing with cuts, bruises, sores, and blisters. Yet, what he faced now was something far more severe. Kyong's mouth had a deep gash, cutting from the top to the bottom of her lip. It had started to swell as drying blood mixed with still-dribbling blood. Seokjin diligently cleaned her wound several times, ensuring no more blood seeped out. He then applied some Neosporin lip treatment, which was usually used by Taehyung when he suffered from anxious lip-biting. Kyong appeared nervous and skittish as Seokjin tended to her, much like a wounded puppy. I couldn't help but sit close to her, offering a comforting hand to hold and passing tissues as needed. Her shirt, stained with blood, hung loosely, as if it had been tugged at so hard that it had become several sizes too big. Her feet were wet, and her sweatpants were caked in mud. I wondered how all of this could have occurred within an elevator ride of just a few floors. However, Kyong didn't explain any of it; she simply continued to cry.

Taehyung brought her a towel to clean her feet while Jungkook found some clean clothes for her to wear. Namjoon observed the entire process closely, while Yoongi and Taehyung provided blankets for her to wrap up in. Kyong expressed her gratitude profusely, apologizing for every little thing that anyone did for her. It was heartwarming yet heartbreaking to see her so appreciative of even the most basic gestures. When Kyong had calmed down enough, I led her to the boys' bathroom. To be honest, I was a bit apprehensive about leaving the safety of the boys' dorm after the unsettling events that had just unfolded.

I helped her out, showing her how to use the shower but she already knew since her group lived in the same building and had the same setup as us. I felt a little silly after she told me that but noticing my flustered face she apologized for telling me that. I left her alone to shower, letting her clean herself up, and get warm. She needed a minute for herself.
Even though it wasn't my place I had offered her to stay in the boy's dorm room tonight with me. I was too shaken up to leave her alone and there was no way I was going out of this room till the morning after the horrific things just done to Kyong, it didn't feel safe to leave. She gave me a tiny twitching smile, happy she didn't have to leave tonight but she probably felt a bit embarrassed and shameful being in a situation like this. I wanted to hug her and tell her there was nothing she should be embarrassed about. It wasn't her fault. It was her group who should ashamed. I had no idea what had happened or what they had done to her but she seemed too timid to talk about it. As if she felt somehow guilty for being beaten up. It was ridiculous. I never liked those girls or their bitchy leader but I never knew they could do something as horrible as that. I was going to report them, first thing tomorrow morning.

Those bitches deserved all the wrath of god down on their asses. No one, should ever- treat anyone or hurt someone like that. No excuses. It was sickening and it made my blood boil thinking of how someone could be that twisted to beat their own group member. I stayed near the bathroom door, I told Kyong I would be right outside if she needed me. I stood there, the image of how they hurt Kyong went through my head upsetting me to my core as I stood there, my back resting on the doorframe as I hung my head low- tired and just zealous to get everything back to a state of stillness. The shower poured on, the steam of the heat tickling my ankles the longer it went. I could hear Kyong's soft sobs as she showered.
My heart pinged but I knew it was for the best if I pretended I didn't hear her, I didn't want to make her feel any more mortified. While I waited I told the boys; not asked them, that Kyong and I would be spending the night here just so things could soothe down and Kyong didn't have to worry about being forced back into a pit of even more abuse tonight. Namjoon and Yoongi were not too happy about this idea. We all had to be up soon and having two girls also staying in their dorm wouldn't be a great perception if a staff member came looking for me or Kyong tomorrow and found us in here. The other boys however shot down any words of protest they had to say, worried for both of us, and just wanted us to be close by in case something awful did fold out. Hoseok and Jungkook brought pillows out for us two, setting up two makeshift spots on the sofa for us to sleep comfortably.

Thirty minutes passed, and Kyong emerged from the steamy bathroom. Her hair was damp, and Jungkook's clothes hung loosely on her petite frame. For a brief moment, I felt a pang of jealousy as I noticed the concerned look Jungkook gave her. He probably couldn't believe how small she appeared in his clothes. I bit my tongue and offered Kyong a reassuring smile as she entered the dorm.

By this time, the boys were exhausted and had stayed up as long as they could to support Kyong. Now, they were saying their goodbyes as we prepared for bed. Seokjin pointed to the bunk room as he assured Kyong that if she needed anything, they were just in the next room. She responded with gratitude, her voice reflecting her exhaustion and distress. Hoseok turned off the remaining lights in the dorm, and I could see Jimin and Taehyung engaged in a hushed conversation before parting ways.

Seokjin emphasized the importance of friends supporting one another, recalling the day when the boys had openly discussed their struggles, bringing them closer. It was heartening to think that we could extend this support beyond our group to people like Kyong.

As the boys went about their bedtime routines, Namjoon turned off the bunk room lights and wished us goodnight. The dorm fell silent, with only the faint light from the outside world seeping in through the window.

"Ae Cha" Kyong's soft voice whispered to me.
"Yes?" I said returning my response to her as equally as quiet not wishing to wake any of the boys.

"Can you do me a favor? Can you please, not report any of this" Kyong's voice cracked ever so slightly as the word report came out of her mouth. I could barely believe the request she was making to me. It was outlandish, I felt furious at how she didn't dare want justice for herself after what her members had done to her but I kept my voice still and my mind clear not wishing to upset her. She already had so much of that already tonight.

"Why? Why don't you want to report it? Those bitches- those girls...." I corrected "They deserve to be punished for what they have done to you. I could tell this morning something was up. I knew something was wron-"Kyong cut me off before I could get too nosy and angry. She couldn't handle it right now.

"I can't Ae Cha. I need 90210. I need it to continue being successful. I can't afford..." Kyong's voice drifted off.
"I just can't Ae Cha, it's my wishes- so, please. If you are truly my friend please let me handle this." Kyong's words were precise and clear even though I didn't like them.

I was her friend and I didn't want to do anything more to cause any trouble to her life. I wanted to support her actions even if I thought they were foolish. "Okay- I will but please, you can't let this go on forever you have to-" she cut me off once more. No attentions of nuisance or anger to her, she was calm, expressionless with her words.
"I will, just- not now" Kyong simply said. After that, we didn't talk anymore. I think that was a good place to stop for now.

After this, we fell into silence, both lost in our thoughts. I couldn't help but hope that one day the members of 90210 would face the consequences of their actions against Kyong.


A short chapter, I just wanted to post something even if it wasn't much but I hope you guys liked it! Please leave your feedback here -->

Author's Note

I hope to keep uploading more soon, Im training and learning my two new jobs but college break is coming up soon so hopefully I will have more time to write.


Hope everyone had a good Halloween! Did you dress up for Halloween this year or not? If so, what did you go as! Leave a comment next to your answer.

Yes, I did dress up

No, I didnt.

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