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| Korean Words meaning |

Hyung(s); At the end of a name or used alone is the MALE honorific of addressing an older brother.

gajok; Korean word meaning 'Family'

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae Cha's POV

I'm awakened by irritating screeching noises, I groan, grabbing my body pillow to cover my ears but it doesn't help to drown out the sounds.
I hear the muffles screeching continue. Seconds pass and the loud noises are still going strong, too hard to pretend to ignore them.
I sit up annoyed by the noises and see my phone's alarm going off.
"Oh" I say slowly waking up from my lifeless, weary mind I had to get ready for the BigHit meeting today.
I pick up my phone and read the time on my alarm.
"8:30 AM" about maybe two hours before the meeting, which in retrospect sounds too early to be waking up but when you take into account I have to wait for seven other people and travel across town. I push myself off the bed.
I do a morning stretch feeling a bit stiff; after last night I feel a bit out of ease the constant nightmares were something sadly that forever haunted my life and there was really nothing I could do to stop them, I had to just keep going on as normal.

I hit 'dismiss' on my alarm and quickly pull up my music list on my phone. I press play on one of the songs I usually play in the morning to start my day off. I wasn't much of a morning person, most of the time I had to distract and force myself to do things to keep me from snoozing off once more.
I hit the song and my phone connects to my small but cheap portable speaker.
The pop vibes and beats fill my dorm room and I dance a bit while getting everything I needed to get ready this morning. Moving to keep awake and shake away the groggy fog in my head. I didn't need to get in full get up for today but I just wanted to look really nice today in front of our managers and the President of BigHit. Dress for the career you want, not the one you have or something along those lines.
I head into the bathroom still able to hear my favorite lyrics perfectly fine as I slip off my PJs and throw them into my dirty laundry basket.
I put on deodorant and perfume first not really wanting to get those things on my clothes to avoid stains, before throwing my outfit together. I take my time, enjoying the simple joy of not having to share a bathroom with anyone. For years I shared one bathroom with my cousins and in boarding school, I also shared a bathroom with a few plus girls. But this morning, I didnt have to fight anyone for the sink, I didnt have to squeeze in with other people to share a mirror, and I didnt have to worry about someone walking in while I changed. The bathroom was all mine and it felt wonderful.
I brush out my hair deciding to leave the pleasant waviness in my hair from not letting it dry all the way before falling asleep again but honestly, it looks rather nice so I don't mess with my hair much.
I do my regular routine of skincare, brushed my teeth, before I put on my makeup.
The bags from a restless night deepen my face, I sigh at the sight of them before applying layers of my counselor and foundation. I continue you with the rest of my normal 'natural style' makeup look but there's nothing naturalistic about the amount of makeup I apply to myself to make me look presentable for the day.
I double-check to make sure everything looks good before moving on to my outfit.

I decided wearing a dress would be a bit too much and since it was September it would probably not be the smartest choice but I do decide a cute skirt can suffice. I put on a long sleeve, thick gray wool sweater with a skirt that stops midway down my thighs that has a pretty neat blue and light pink plaid design on it that fits slimly on my hips and thighs but it isn't too tight that my skin is screaming for relief.
I tuck my sweater into my skirt giving my shirt this fashionable-looking tuck.
I slip on some gray flat shoes that matched my sweater nicely. I look in the mirror and smile at my outfit choices. I never get a lot of opportunities to wear cute or even casual going-out clothes so it was pleasant to actually be able to even if it was just for a work meeting. I smile as I readjusted my amulet to the center of my neck.

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