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| Korean Words meaning |

Still none, lol.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Was November 23rd, Now December 10th*

It has been nearly three weeks since the Kyong incident, and in that time, she has grown increasingly distant. Our interactions have gone from occasional to nearly nonexistent. She ignores my calls and messages, and if she does respond, her answers are vague and hollow. My concern for Kyong intensifies with each day of silence, but I don't want to push her.

My greatest desire is to report the members of 90210 for their bullying and assault to BigHit, but I can't forget how she pleaded to handle it herself. Every day that passes, my anxiety deepens, but the holidays are fast approaching, and our schedules are filled with holiday shoots, merchandise preparations, and our impending comeback. If it weren't for work and the support of the boys, I would have been consumed with worry for Kyong. They, too, are deeply concerned about her well-being, as that night left a profound impact on all of us.

I remember waking up the morning after. Prepared to make a heartwarming speech on supporting her through her journey to handling her bullies and if she needed anything she could come to me but when I awoke she was long gone. Her blankets from the night before folded neatly on the sofa.
Since then I haven't seen her much. When I returned to work for a morning shift at the grocers I was surprised not to see her and when I asked my boss about her absence that morning he told me that Kyong had put in her two weeks and would be working on the days I was off. It was oddly suspicious and I felt hurt at first but when I returned to BigHit and saw the announcement of 90210's incoming comeback I realized she was too wrapped up in her work as an idol to continue working at a dingy store with me. It was upsetting, to say the least, but I knew the time would come sooner than later.

It had almost been three weeks since I last saw Kyong and the tension and guilt as if I did or said something wrong was eating at me. I needed to see her but I didnt want to come overbearing or scary. Strolling around BigHit headquarters after a singing lesson, waiting for Hobeom to pick us up I caught a glimpse of Kyong. She was being swept off somewhere by staff alongside her members. They were in a such rush but I couldn't help but pick up my pace, trying to get closer to them. In a moment of not thinking, I foolishly yelled for Kyong.
My sudden yelling turned hers and some of her staff's attention to me, they probably thought some crazed fan had broke in and was calling after her but after seeing it was just me, another bighit idol member they discarded their fear of needing security. A stylist stopped, thinking maybe Kyong was going to stop and talk to me, her friend but had to do a half skip to catch back up with Kyong who did not stop. In fact, when she looked at me she gave me a look of discomfort before shuffling away quickly with the rest of her group. I did not follow as 90210 rounded into an elevator. I was stunned.

"I can't believe she is avoiding me. She's acting like WE did something wrong." My voice dripped in irritation as I sipped down one of Seokjin's beers.
Warm cause he had no idea I had snuck it out almost two weeks ago and hid it away in one of my secret stash of forbidden snacks & sweets I wasnt supposed to have while on a diet. Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and I sat in my room working on some overpiling homework. The older members had gone out for some extra recording work at headquarters and wouldn't be back until nearly midnight. I decided upon myself in a bitter mood to drink and order some fried chicken for dinner.
I let my exhausted body lean hard into the headboard as I drank down my warm beer feeling a bit dizzy since I couldn't handle my alcohol but in my defense, I was only fifteen. I shouldn't be drinking.
Taehyung sat by my side his papers overspreading on his crossed lap. Jimin sat close in front of his fellow 95er, helping Taehyung with a problem he was stuck on. Jungkook sat at the end of the bed, his side turned to me. His mountain of overdue homework lay all about my bed as he sloppily ate his fried chicken.
"Well, some people just don't like the attention or like being helped." Suggested Taehyung trying to help spare my feelings.
"Yeah okay, an idol who doesn't like attention. That's a new concept" I said with a sarcastic laugh as gulped down the rest of the warm beer. I was trying to look cool and chill drinking down an adult beverage as if I did it very often but my scrunching nose in disgust and the small shiver that rode up my spin gave away how much I hated the bitter taste of the beer but I enjoy the lightheaded confidence it gave to me as vented to my friends freely.
"I really don't know why Kyong would act like that but honestly Ae Cha if I were you. I wouldn't get too wrapped up in it. She obviously doesn't care about your guy's friendship. No one deserves to be treated that way, especially by someone you call a friend." Jimin spoke honestly his eyes fixed on pointing out a problem on Taehyung's paper.

Generations Expectation's | 8th member of BTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora