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Ae Cha's POV

The pesky screeches fill my ears, once more yet again this morning.
I groan and slowly start to roll over, ready to fall back asleep and stay in my warm sheets, not caring about the noise until it hit me. Today's the day I have been looking forward to, my first-ever dance practice in my formed debut group.
I kick off my covers with the energy level of one of my baby cousins during Christmas morning and hit 'dismiss' on my phone alarm putting an end to the excessive alarm.
I'm so happy about today, we only get two dance practices in a week, the rest of the week we have scheduled exercising, vocal practices, and sadly schooling. We haven't even got to vocal practice yet but I'm already dreading it.
I'm not a bad singer or at least I hope I wasn't, I will admit, however, I'm a better rapper than a singer but I love dancing, I always have so I was looking forward to dancing freely the way I want and not dance to some choreographed audition, routine, or in a class.
I roll over and hug the body pillow that has the anime boy, Mikaela, pillowcase back on it. No shame whatsoever.
"Wish me luck today Mika" I say before pushing myself up and starting to get ready, doing my best not to lay in bed cuddling the comforting and forming fit pillow.
I check my phone that was resting on the end table, '9:30 AM', it's super early, we don't have to be at the studio till '11 AM' but I wanted to have enough time to get ready without being rushed and to go wake up the maknae boys to come over and get ready so they weren't rushing like yesterday and to test our new sharing system. It was nice having my own bathroom, even if it was just for one day. I would miss it but it was for the best.

I head over to the dresser, I knew today was just dancing and grocery shopping so I didn't need anything fancy but I did need something comfortable and airy enough to dance in.
I pick out a short sleeve black shirt with an indie blue logo near the corner of my breast and this cool volleyball design on the back and a pair of black joggers that were actually made out of this super-soft, stretchy fabric so they were easy to move around in.
I grab a black sports bra, some white socks, and a pair of comfy panties before running into the bathroom. Doing my best attempts to stay awake.
I plop the clothes down on the toilet seat.
I decide to leave the bathroom door open to avoid the room getting too steamy and so I could also hear my song playing out near my bedside blasting through my speaker.
This morning I decided to mix up and play 'You found me' By the Fray just to give me a proper wake-up attitude. Im quick to take a shower, needing to clean up and shave a bit.

When I get out I made sure to clean the shower for stray hairs and then I started to get ready. I blew out my hair with a hairdryer remarkably fast.
As I sing lowly to music to myself, I apply my daily makeup, then take time to fiddle with my hair and put it up in a  clean-looking bun.
I make mind to put on extra deodorant and perfume to avoid any B.O fiascos. I put on my clothes next double checking my outfit looks good even though it's supposed to look comfy, it surprisingly looks very fashionable.

I went out to my dorm room after cleaning up the bathroom and turned off the song I was playing. I was more or less ready for the day and didnt want to keep the others waiting, I tuck my phone into my back pocket.
I made my bed, making sure to hide Mikaela and my teddy bear under the covers so the boys wouldn't see.
I put on my pair of red vans I wear for dancing to tie the outfit together, even though if you look closely my vans are worn out at the bottoms and scuffed. I needed new dance shoes, desperately. Ill add that to the list of things I need.
Then I didn't really need a lot today, just my phone, wallet, and dorm keys so I just grabbed those three things and headed over to the boy's dorm. I checked my phone at 10:00 AM' before I knocked hoping I wasn't coming over too early or too late.

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