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Hello, yes this is another side chapter. This is all canon to the main plot, I was tired of making separate chapters for the LA trip so I'm now just going to make four more side chapters and then move right back to Seventeen (BAGSU! Seventeen right here)

(I'm sorry)

Just because; I'm OCD like that!

Even though these side chapters, there will still be time skips. I would go crazy having to write everything they did throughout the timespan of a MONTH.

You guys know my writing style by now- It takes me 8k words just for me to explain what they did in an hour. 😆

Forgive me, I hope this isn't too confusing.

The next chapter will be 2/4, then 3/4. 4/4 then we are back to chapter Seventeen!

| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Time Skip, Two Days. Was July 2nd, now its July 4th*

Ae Cha's POV

I fiddle about in the kitchen, today was Jungkook and I's one of our few days off this whole month.
Today was an American holiday and everyone, including our dance, instructor Da Xai was out celebrating. It is July 4th, America's independence day.

It was only 10 AM but I could already hear the hustle and bustle of celebrating American natives on the streets from my open porch door. I woke up super early this morning to get into the festivities, I didn't even care I was still in my PJs because even though I wasn't a born American I loved the 4th of July, it was one of my favorite holidays to celebrate in America besides Halloween.
Halloween in America kicks ass but this holiday ranked somewhere in my top five! I went over to the porch, leaning my side against the doorframe, as I stirred a mixture of pancake ingredients in a bowl. Enjoying the sight of people setting up for a parade.
Today was an astounding day to celebrate as well, the sun was shining, the heat wasn't unbearable, and every street corner and shop was decorated for the occasion. I felt super giddy watching all the cheerful people celebrating, people lining the sidewalk sitting on fold-out travel chairs or blankets. Young kids dressed in adorable red, white, and blue outfits laughed and carried on with other young kids and family members waiting for the parade to make its appearance. I looked to my side, seeing various neighbors out on their decks and porches setting up and also getting ready to watch the parade a little ways from our own complex, how lucky were we to be this close to the parade's route? Our stay in this townhome seems to get better, day by day.
I pushed my body off the door's frame, feeling the slight flutter of distant ocean breezes roll through my thick silky gown before I started heading back to the kitchen, I left the sliding glass door open wanting to hear the sounds of excitement from people outside and the smell of American restaurants on our block cooking delicious smelling breakfasts.
I was almost done preparing breakfast for Jungkook and me.
Since today was a special event I wanted to go all out and give Jungkook the first and best fourth of July experience he will ever have. I decided to make an American breakfast to celebrate the holiday.
Pancakes, bacon, sunnyside-up eggs, and of course some good old fashion OJ, the juice, not the killer.
I looked at "how to make super fluffy pancakes" recipe on my phone, and yes I could cook. Seokjin taught me everything I knew, but I wanted to make these pancakes super fancy and not just from out of a box.
"Whisk milk mixture into dry ingredients. Add 2 tablespoons of melted butter and whisk until the batter is smooth...ya, I did all of that, okay so now onto the egg whites!" I said talking to myself as I put down my big bowl with half of my pancake recipe complete. It was easy to do the regular pancake mixture part but I never made pancakes with egg whites before so I was eager to try something new.
I moved and flipped my bacon in a frying pan already cooking before starting the next part of my recipe, double-tasking while cooking was my specialty; something I didn't master from Seokjin. "Beat egg whites in another medium bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, beating until stiff but not dry. Fold whites into batter in 2 additions." I read aloud to myself as I slowly started following the directions.
I followed the directions step by step, making sure not to mess up my egg white part. When I had my mixtures together I felt a sense of pride, I accomplished what I set out to do, and now, here comes the fun part of cooking. I lightly buttered another frying pan I wasn't using, then I wiped away any extra butter before I began making many fluffy, circles of pancakey goodness.
A couple of minutes later I had made a good size stack of pancakes, the bacon was done perfectly and plated.
I put the food out on our dining table before setting up some silverware and plates for Jungkook and me.
As I was pouring OJ into our glasses and setting the syrup on the table I heard a grouchy, groaning voice immerge from near me.
"Ae Cha? What are you doing up so early? And what's with all the food?" Jungkook asked walking his way down into the kitchen disarrayed with his bedhead hair. I chuckled at the sight of how tired and confused he looked, he looked like a wild bunny of sorts, a bunny that needs a shower.
I flashed him a bright smile before heading my way back to my blemish of frying pans and mixing bowls. "I'm making us an American breakfast to celebrate the festivities!" I expressed, obviously in a very chipper mood.
"Festivities? What festivities?" Jungkook asked, clearly still not fully awake as he leaned his back against the countertop behind me, watching me cook eggs.
"Really? It's the 4th of July, America's independence day. I was talking your ear off all day yesterday about it" I spoke turning and giving him the face of 'you better pull your shit together'. "Ah, yes- yes I remember. What about it?" he said rubbing his hand across his face, and opening his eyes a bit more. I rolled my eyes at him before turning back around to focus on my cooking. This boy was helpless, it took him forever to wake up. I was surprised on our first day of dance practice he was even awake. "Well sleepy head why don't you take those napkins over to the table for me and take a seat, breakfast is about ready" I instructed him as I did the finishing steps of cooking the eggs.
He gave a low grunt of understanding before tiredly taking the napkins to the table, I followed him close behind. He took a seat at the table and I transferred the hot sunnyside-up eggs gently from out of the pan onto his and my plates. "Bon appetit" I said sweetly, laughing at my stupid choice of words before going back to turn off the stove and place my pans and bowls into the sink to clean later on.
I excitedly shuffled over to the table and climbed into the seat beside Jungkook, he gave me a weary, pleasant smile as I sat down "you really are very cheerful today" he said examing me as I reached across the table to grab the salt and pepper shakers to season my eggs a bit.
"Cheerful? I'm ecstatic! The 4th of July in America is the best, there are fireworks, swimming, BBQ, fairs, bonfires, music, and people! It's the best!" I said crossing my legs into a crisscross sitting position on my chair. Jungkook chuckled before digging into his eggs and grabbing a few pieces of bacon.
"You're honestly as hyper as a child"
"I am a child" I quickly retorted before shoveling eggs into my mouth, enjoying their tasty delightfulness. "So little Miss America, what are our plans for today?" Jungkook asked, teasing me a bit but I ignored it. I wasn't ashamed I enjoyed an American holiday.
I loved spending the 4th of July with my Auntie and cousins. We use to go to a bunch of fairs in Cleveland and eat tons of food, get our faces painted, and play games before we would go back home to our backyard to set up a little tent and make a bonfire to cook hotdogs with before the fireworks would start when it got dark.
"I don't know! There are tons of things we can do. We could go to the beach and swim, there is a fair on the main street, there are movies in the park, BBQ places-" as I started listing off various activities, the sounds of marching band horns and drums filled the air.
"Huh, the parade!" I said before leaping from my chair and running over to the porch, stumbling over myself in excitement. I heard Jungkook laugh at me but I ignored him yet again, as I began to watch the parade go down the street.
Kids were cheering, and people in firetrucks, old cars, floats, and tractors pull rides waved at people on the sidewalks. Sounds of marching band music and country/patriotic American music blared from speakers on floats.
I watched as kids waved and played about, trying not to get close to the actual parade, some floats would throw candy or hand out little cheap plastic American flags and kids would get all giddy collecting up the candy or start waving their little flags alongside with their parents to other parade on-goers. Our neighbors started pouring out from their porch and deck doors, watching the parade while eating their breakfast or talking to their friends or family they had over.
"Jungkook come quick, you'll miss it!" I screeched, whipping my head back to see Jungkook still stuffing his face. "But- the pancakes" he stuttered with a mouth full of pancakes already in his mouth, I chuckled into my hand, he really looked like a bunny now but I couldn't tell him that. "Just come on, bring your pancakes with you fatass" he gave me a closed-mouth smile making his filled cheeks look even chubbier as he got up from his seat and made his way over to me slowly. He joined me by my side, pancake plate still in hand as he used a fork to cut them into square size bites before shoving more into his mouth.
"Why were you worried about me missing anything, they are literally moving at 1 mph and there are like thirty-plus floats" he said teasing me for the fact of how I over-exaggerated a little.
"Shut up just I didn't want you to miss anything okay" I said playfully bumping his shoulder before going back to watching the parade with a stupid smile across my face. After a second of watching the parade, I turned my head back towards Jungkook to see he was still staring at me with this odd-looking closed-mouth grin across his bare, sleepy face.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked instantly moving my hand to wipe across my mouth thinking I still had bits of bacon somehow on my chin. "No, you're fine. Just it's so nice to see you in such a cheerful state" he said in a very cheesy way but he was very sincere which made me feel a little flustered from embarrassment, what type of Kdrama bullshit is this?
"I'm always happy, come on, it's me, Ae Cha, I'm like a ball of sunshine" I said giving Jungkook a rattled smile in return trying to throw off his unusual compliment.
"No Hoseok-hyung is the ball of sunshine, you are more like a ray of sunshine spouting from him" I laughed at Jungkook's comparison of me to Hoseok but it was very fitting. "I guess you're right! But still the fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays, I really enjoy festivities and celebrations! I can't wait to show you what you have been missing out on for fifteen years" I said turning back to watch some police officers ride down the street on top of huge horses.
"I can't wait to see what plans you have for us" Jungkook said very soothingly before we went into sharing silence as we watched the parade pass by listening to all the chatter and cheering from others around us.

Generations Expectation's | 8th member of BTSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin