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| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae Cha's POV

A high-pitch irritating chime kept going off near my head, over and over again.
It felt like a lifetime of that ridiculous ringing. I open my eyes from my once peaceful and lavish slumber to see my phone going off with 'Alarm 1: 00 PM' across the screen. I guess it was time to wake up but I still felt so tired.
I push off my bed letting the warm comforter roll off my shoulders down to my hips. I squinted my eyes from the now-sheering sunlight piercing down through the skylights above Jungkook's and my beds.
The sun was higher in the sky now, later in the day but yet so early. There was still so much time till the sun would set once more.
I reached out and tapped furiously around my phone till I successfully hit the 'dismiss' button and I flopped back down on my bed cuddling my pillow close to my face and chest not wanting to get up, I was too cozy to go out and be a functional human today. My body was still sluggish from travel and my eyes were begging to stay close for longer.
"Hey, I thought being a lazy sleeping slob was my stick" Jungkook's groggy voice said from across the room, his voice vibrating in my ears and filling the room with life. I opened my eyes to see an already awake and sitting Jungkook on the edge of his bed staring at me.
The sight of him already up and awake took me back a bit. I wasn't excepting for him to be up and so full of energy.
"Ugh, how are you awake right now?" I expressed into my pillow before turning away from him and trying to go back to sleep without being able to feel his judgmental eyes on me.
Jungkook laughed before I heard footsteps make their way over to my bed, and then a heavyweight shifted at the edge of my bed, making my body roll towards its direction.
I yelped slightly, clinging tight to my cushion as I rolled over coming in contact with a lively, laughing Jungkook.
"Just five more minutes" I declared as I reached out my hand to show five fingers before gradually letting my arm fall as I started to fall back to sleep.
"Nope- not today" he said before trudging over top of me and applying all his weight onto my body making me let out a long groan and sigh as he crushed me under him. Jungkook wasn't that heavy or tall, nothing like that, but I was drained and the shift of him on top of me was really crushing.
"Ah- okay Jungkook.....I'm up-please! I need air!" I said barely being able to get enough air to chuckle and speak properly as I patted him on his very faint brawny back to show him I was awake and I wanted him off of me.
He laughed and released me from his weighty clutches and I took in a dramatic fake gasp as soon he got off of me and my bed.
"I'm not that heavy" he said grimacing like a child making me feel chipper and awake as I sat up in my bed.
"You are right, you aren't that heavy but I'm way more miniature than you" I said as I yawned and stretched out my arms trying to slowly wake my body.
"True, anyway- I'm going to go get ready. You should as well" he communicated as he pushed off my bed and headed over to his dresser to pull out some clothes for himself, he was so quick it was giving me whiplash. "Okay, but what should I dress in? What did you have in mind?" I asked watching him from my comfy spot on my bed, not really ready yet to head out but I didnt wanna be rude and hold him up 'cause he seemed excited.
"I wanna go to the beach and go swimming!" he said spinning around to look at me with a giddy smile while holding a pair of swim trunks and some sort of swim shirt. I felt the remaining energy leak out of my body at the thought of swimming.
"Swimming? I- I don't have a bathing suit"  I stated looking away apologetically, I never needed a swimsuit before, Seoul wasn't really a 'beachfront' city and I wasn't ever able to leave my school so I haven't owned a swimsuit since I was last in Ohio.
"Oh- well there are tons of stores around here, just get dressed and we can go visit one of the shops and buy you one" Jungkook said thinking quickly on his feet. I wanted to tell him I wasn't really up for any of this, I just wanted to relax but the excitement on his face was so nice and I didn't wanna be the one to ruin his fun.
"Okay" I said simply still kind of embarrassed about not having a bathing suit even though I knew we were going to a city with a huge beach, should've prepared more.
Jungkook went downstairs to the bathroom and went to go get ready. After I heard the bathroom door latched from downstairs I got up and began to find an uncomplicated outfit to wear that I could easily take off when I tried on some swimsuits.
I went with a simple pretty sundress dress, which I could easily slide off and on.
It was just a shoulderless dress that was plain white, and a little blue ribbon around my waist made me feel secure and brought in. It was a really cute dress I got from one of my friends back in school, she got it after going on vacation with her parents in Busan and after expressing my love for her dress she was kind enough to bring me back a dress the next trip she took but I never really had a reason to wear it until today.
I should probably get a photo in it today and send it to Myung for her to see me in the dress she got for me, even though it has been almost three years since I got this dress, I haven't chatted with her for a while I bet she would be touched seeing me wear her gift.
I wore a strapless, pullover bra that I could replace with my bathing suit top when I bought it. I paired the dress with some simple white flip-flops not really caring about what I was wearing all too much.
I let my hair down and brushed it out a bit since I had a bit of jetlag and bedhead, it was a little wavy and curly from being left up while sleeping but I didn't really mind and I didn't care to straighten my hair at this very moment, seem like too much work.

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