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| Korean Words meaning |

Still none, lol.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Was July 19th, Now July 26th*

Jungkook's POV

Ae Cha was here. She was here as I returned home after what felt like an eternity.

She stood there, seemingly frozen, her eyes locked onto me. A mixture of awe and shock painted her expression. It was Ae Cha, in the flesh. As I processed her presence, I found my fingers clutching the mailslots, the key dangling as I'd been in the midst of retrieving our mail. Yet, the moment our eyes met, everything else faded into insignificance. Time hung suspended between us, as if the universe had orchestrated this reunion.

"Hi, Ae Cha." I murmured, my voice soft, my emotions turbulent.

It was her, standing there just like that, the girl I had missed more than words could convey. Her eyes, those familiar eyes, held a myriad of emotions, a mirror to what I felt.

Her hair was pulled back, her eyes glistening with a mix of surprise and unshed tears. It was her, standing right before me, the person who had occupied my thoughts day in and day out during her absence. I had thought about her often, more often than I'd like to admit. And now, she was here.Her voice, almost a whisper, barely reached me.

"Jungkook..." The sheer emotion packed into that single word tugged at my heartstrings, igniting a mixture of happiness and sorrow.
I wanted to dart to her, wrap her up in my arms, and hold onto her so tightly so nothing could ever take her or harm her again. I dreamed, no desire, for nothing more to feel the heat of her against me once more. 
I wanted to act but before I could the door to the lobby opened.

Her aunt Becca entered the scene, a momentary interruption that I barely registered. Her presence was irrelevant, my attention solely focused on Ae Cha. She barely acknowledged he aunt too, her eyes fixed firmly on me.

Her aunt Becca took notice of this.

"Well, Ae Cha. I have some things I need to set up. I'll meet you upstairs when you're ready...okay?" Aunt Becca's words served as an unspoken cue for privacy, a flimsy excuse to give us space. Ae Cha responded in a hushed agreement, and Aunt Becca left, leaving us alone.

The room was charged with a tension that words couldn't express. Time seemed suspended as we faced each other, a strange mix of familiarity and distance between us. Everything felt different yet the same, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place after being misplaced for too long.

There was so much I wanted to say, so many things I wanted to do. The first one would be to gravel at her feet, apologizing over and over again for not keeping her more safe that night she was taken. I should've stopped those men, I should've jumped out of the van but I didnt cause I was a coward.
I wanted to beg and beg for her to forgive me.
Not just for that night, but also for being a fool, a fool who rejected her feelings. I had gone over that day like a broken record, over and over. 
When we shared coffee as the others got ready, not understanding the fight between her and Jimin was over me. The way I pushed and kept pushing for a confession I was sure I even wanted, just doing it to save face.
"Ae Cha, I'll ask again. Do you have feelings for me?" my words ping in the back of my head.
"I worried our friendship would be really awkward and strained. Im glad it was all just misinterpreted by me, sorry, I didn't mean to gross you out" I said with a laugh, I was so stupid. So stupid. 

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