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| Korean Words meaning |

Still none, lol.

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

*Was July 15th, Still July 15th*

Ae Cha's POV

"You ready?" Bongseon asks as she collects up her purse, her hair pinned up, and her makeup reapplied. She made an effort to look decent, beautiful even as she was setting herself to play the part of a mother. We were going outside, we had to be a sight to see, faded and not repulsive like the inside of our world in this home. Her outfit was prim and proper, she seemed anxious as she fixed the straps on her heels. I held my breath wondering if the air outside this home is thicker now since I was last outside nearly a month ago. I wonder if the air will suffocate me or if it knew my lungs were dirty with cold basement mildew walls and carpet fibers from a child's room that had wafting scents of something that once existed many years ago but is no longer here. My hair was brushed, my outfit cleaned and ironed, and my escape plans tucked swiftly and tightly inside the bottom of my left sock. Hidden from Bongseon's dancing curious eyes I felt baring down tension on me as the aura of lies surrounded me. She came home earlier than usual, hoping to maybe catch me in the act of mistrust so she could unravel her weave of lies and fake tales so she could return to hitting and locking my back in the basement, this way she didn't have to coo herself into letting me out. She had gone too far with her own fake plot. She had made me too much like her own daughter to return to how it once was. She no longer bare to hit me, or maybe I was wrong but it seemed she couldn't help herself from blindly and stupidly falling for my ploys and now I had gained enough trust to have her take me outside. A normal mother and daughter could easily go outside every day and do little things such as running errands together, side by side. What was the big deal? Oh yes, I wasn't her daughter. I was her captive. She seemed to have forgotten.
I was ready. After hours, days, and weeks of kissing ass and playing my function. Staying small and fabricating a smile had finally looped it back into my favor. I couldn't stop this facade till we were safely out, in front of the public, to see the people. Get their help.

I was going to get out of here. I could see the sun shining just beyond the window's reach. The birds seem louder than usual as I slipped on a pair of new tennis shoes I had never worn before. The sensation of my feet slipping into the soft sole felt unreal. I couldn't recall the last time I last wore shoes, it felt so long. The ache in my back twinged as I stood upright, watching Bongseon hesitate with her house and car keys, pausing, as if unsure to leave. The pain and aches in my body were not left unironed, I was aware of them, aware of all the scars and pains this woman has caused to me. My anger festers and resides, keeping myself in line. It wouldn't be too long till everything Bongseon deserves comes back to her. I let my mind wander to images of her stuck in a jail cell, rotting and withering away, the way she did to me is all I can see. I let a smirk twitch at my lips but Im quick to drop it. I didn't say anything, I pretended to check my bag, there was nothing but a book in it, that's all she would allow me to bring without question. She even did a glance over my book, flipping and turning it for any hidden devices Im guessing, but she never speak her true intention, which would wound her game of 'family'. She looks for notes, receipts, coordinates, or hidden messages, but to her relief she found nothing. To her dismay that was all in my sock.
She hands me back my bag as I smooth my hair, apperance was everything right now to Bongseon. She didn't want strangers to see me and instantly guess the damage she had done to me. My hair lays straight, my curls somehow fallen out during my entrapment, unable to find a reason to perk up. The bruises on my body, sickly and healing in shades of purple and brown are tucked and hidden away under new clothes. My eyebags and other harm that were done to my face smoothed over with concealer and makeup, all helped put on by Bongseon. "Take these." Bongseon says handing me a baseball cap with a state park name on it I never heard of and pair of sunglasses. I take them with no pause, and put them on, my best chance of even leaving was to do as she asked. "It's very hot today, you'll need em" she says as she finally finds the confidence to grab the door handle and slowly but surely open it to the outside world that had been locked away from me. I don't even care she is lying and I can tell she is bullshitting because she just wants to hide me from passing eyes, I don't cause a moment, I follow swiftly behind Bongseon and take my first step onto the small steps of the house patio.
I'm engulfed with the scents and feel of the world. I hold back my tears as the world unfolds in front for the first time not tucked or locked away by a door or window.
The wind sweeps the bittersweet scents of flowers, uncleaned cars, mowed grass, and old meals cooked on grills that I had never appreciated the smells of until today. The chill of the summer breeze nips my skin and I feel goosebumps arrive feeling air that isn't controlled or manufactured by an AC.
It is real. I let my shoes scrap on the pavement as I am pulled on by Boesong to her car, the sound of my feet seems so unreal. There are kids playing somewhere nearby, I hear their arguments and the bouncing of sports balls. I see a car zoom past the end of the drive away and my heart leaps at the excitement that other people are still here, still with us. I felt so isolated and silent that I sometimes felt I was the only one left here.
I see the tutor-styled homes on the stretch of grass across the road, their paint vibrant and bright in the sunlight I had not grown used to. I pull down my glasses letting the sun take full effect and my eyes twitch and water at the intake of it all.
I was outside. I really am outside.

Generations Expectation's | 8th member of BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora