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Ae Cha's POV

A year just zoomed by, disappearing like a puff of smoke before you even notice it's gone. It's crazy how time flies, leaving me scratching my head wondering where it all went.

We plopped down on the stools under the warm glow of studio lights, looking all spiffy in our fancy getups. The boys, rocking their own unique styles, had this cool vibe of confidence and know-how. And there I was, trying to look all glamorous in a dress that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe, but hey, thanks to BigHit, I could wear things I never thought I would.
The reporter was a breath of fresh air, unlike some of the others we've dealt with. She had this genuine warmth that made us relax instantly.
Her questions were all about our journey in music, giving props for our progress on the charts. We talked about how our sound has evolved, the bumps we've smoothed out along the way, and the buzz surrounding our latest works.

There was this sense of relief in the air, like the usual tension of interviews had taken a hike. We were all just basking in the glow of our achievements. But deep down, I couldn't shake off the memories of the struggles we faced to get here-the late nights, the doubts, the sacrifices. It's all part of the package.

The boys, bless 'em, kept up the energy, chatting away with enthusiasm. You could tell they were just as stoked as I was. And the reporter? She was like a pro, steering us through the interview with finesse, blending our success stories with the reality of our journey.

As the camera rolled, I couldn't help but grin. BigHit had snagged us this prime spot for an interview, set to air on a bunch of channels tonight. It was all part of the New Year's Day hype, the promise of a fresh start buzzing in the air. Even the crew seemed pumped, ready to dive into the new year headfirst. It's like that feeling of stepping into untouched snow-exciting and full of possibilities. Man, it felt good to be breaking ground.
The interviewer, a seasoned journalist with a knack for easing her subjects into comfort, leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.
"So, BTS, it's been quite a year for you all. From chart-topping hits to booking your first tour, how do you reflect on the journey so far?"

Namjoon, ever the articulate leader, took the lead. "Honestly, it's been surreal. Every day feels like a dream that we're living together. There's been a lot of hard work, sweat, and yes, tears, but looking back, every moment was worth it because it brought us here."
The interviewer, catching everyone's relaxed vibe, leaned in with a new question aimed at me. "Ae Cha, you've been with BTS since the beginning. How do you think the group's dynamics have evolved over this year, especially with all the success you've experienced?"

The question made me pause, reflecting on the whirlwind of our journey together.
"It's been a profound journey" I started, feeling the eyes of the members on me, filled with shared memories and silent encouragement. "From our humble beginnings to where we are now, it's like we've grown up together, both as artists and individuals. Our success has only made our bond stronger. We've learned to rely on each other more, to share our highs and lows. It's this brotherhood, this family we've created, that keeps us grounded."
Jin, ever the joker, lightened the mood. "Plus, Ae Cha keeps us in line. She's too modest to admit it." he said, earning a round of laughter from everyone, including me.

The interviewer, smiling at our interaction, turned the discussion towards the future.
"With the new year upon us, what's next for BTS? Any exciting plans or projects you can share with your fans?"
Namjoon took the question, his expression was thoughtful. "We're always working on new music, trying to push ourselves creatively. We've got a few projects in the pipeline that we're really excited about. And, of course, we want to continue to connect with our fans, ARMYs, around the world, whether through our music, concerts, or social media."
Yoongi added, "Yeah, and we hope to keep inspiring people, showing them that it's okay to dream big, to work hard for those dreams. We're proof that dreams do come true, but it takes more than just wishing."

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