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| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean or English

*Time Skip, Nine Days. Was July 11th, now its July 20th*

Jungkook POV

I stand in the mirror running my hand through my newly damp hair, this was more of Jimin's brand type of action but I couldn't think of any other way to push my now bothersome long hair out of my eyes.
The steam of the shower fogs up my vision but even with a hazy image of myself, I could tell I looked a lot better with my hair off my face. I would've cut it a week back but BigHit's stylists said I should let it grow out for the debut so I don't get much say in my wants regarding my looks anymore.
Besides the point, I was just relieved to finally be cleaned up, the day was winding to a close and Da Xai dance classes have becoming more physically exhausting and leaving Ae Cha and me in puddles of our sweat. Our lessons were starting to pay off and visibly noticeable as days keep passing, I didn't know Ae Cha could improve more than she already has but even I, an untrained dancer could see her style and skills were getting cleaner. It was all coming together and becoming worth it.
Now with weeks of endless practicing, we were finally going to get the next two days off for rest. I say to rest but it was mostly because the agency said we deserved it but I think it was because Da Xai had planned vacation time with the studio months ago so I think BigHit was just pretending to be kind but I bet they would have us practicing days on end if they could.

I wipe the steam away from the mirror with a nearby washcloth and begin to study my face. I had to clean up a bit. I started the first part of my facial routine before I was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, are you decent? Your mother is calling" Ae Cha clamored being muffled slightly by the door. I let out a hiss of disturbance, my mother has the worse timing but I couldn't hate her for caring.
"Hold on!" I replied loudly before rinsing off whatever remnant of facial wash I had on. I ran over to the door, I was about to open the door before recalling I was still not decent for being seen by Ae Cha.
I was shirtless, only in a pair of briefs to cover me, barefaced, and only halfway done with cleaning myself up.
"Hey, Ae Cha could you um put the phone down and walk away?" I asked shyly and graceless through the door.
I heard small giggles, as if Ae Cha just gained the maturity of a middle schooler.
"Ya I'll leave it on the shelf" she said before I could hear movement outside of the bathroom. "Thanks" I spoke before I could no longer hear footsteps.
I opened the door a crack to peek out to make sure she was gone.
Once I saw there were absolutely no signs of her I opened the door more, letting the steam and heat of my shower escape into the hallway.
I saw my phone resting on the little hanging shelf with the call with my mom already ongoing, I'm guessing Ae Cha picked it up for me so I wouldn't miss it and put her on mute for me.
She could be sweet and charismatic sometimes, other times she is completely unpredictable and reverts into a state of idiotic behavior.
I walked out and snatched up the phone and as I was turning to quickly tiptoe back into the warmth of the bathroom I saw a flash of light.
I turn my head to see Ae Cha with her phone pointed straight at me with this shit-eating grin across her evil little face.
Before I can turn and start shouting at her she raises her hands in the air as if she was surrendering, holding her phone tightly.
"Now we are even sir!" she wails at the top of her lungs. I then remember that video I sent to the group chat, so yes I guess this was revenge, then I remember my Mom is waiting to talk to me. Her murder would have to wait, also I was feeling cold...

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