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| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean or English

*Time Skip, One Day. Was July 31st, now its August 1st*

The plane ride felt just as much of a hassle and long as the one on the way to America, Thankfully this flight was less cramped giving Jungkook and me more space to stretch out.
We even had a seat in between us, we ended up using it to share snacks on, congregate to discuss video games, and take turns on who got to put their legs over the armrest to lay on the empty middle seat.
Since our talk on the porch before leaving LA, I could tell there was something Jungkook was dying to say but yet he hadn't found the courage to bring it back up again. I wanted to ask but I kept getting distracted with little things such as customs, buying snacks at our terminals, making sure my phone was fully charged, and texting the group chat.
All the boys were going crazy with excitement about us finally arriving home. Missing us dearly, Jungkook however didn't say anything in the group chat before take-off which was so bizarre and unlike him. He definitely had something bothering him that he wanted to say, it was something anyone could see, even Hobeom could sense something was up with Jungkook. I waited, wanting us to be alone but it was hard with Hobeom always on our tails. Now back in his manager, guardian mode.
We wouldn't land in Seoul till almost 12 AM, it wasn't going to be absurd and the boys would likely all be asleep when we got back to the dorms but still, I was so happy to finally go back to my home.
On the plane would be the last time I could talk to Jungkook without a huge crowd of the boys or staff breathing down our necks.

We were eight hours into the flight now.
The sun was setting into the vase sea below us.
It felt like we were flying over the ocean all day, it kept stretching on, no land or anything in sight. It was gorgeous and terrifying at the same time. The clouds began to get covered in an orange and pink halo.
We were lucky to be flying at this time, the view of the sunset in the middle of the ocean was too much for words. I leaned my head on the plastic frame of the small window. Watching time and clouds soar by my eyes as we traveled several miles an hour, never slowing down or wavering. Just a few hours away from our home, my true home in Korea, with the boys even though deep down inside I longed for my home to be with Auntie and my cousins back in Ohio but it was the sacrifice I had to make to follow in my mother's fame and my dreams.
The fame that made it even possible for me to qualify to debut with these boys who were all much better than me.
After this whole trip, I felt more discouraged than ever about my training and ability to debut, if the only reason they were letting me debut was because of her legacy, those mean girls were right. I was untalented. I try to take my mind off the subject. 
"It's so pretty" Jungkook said, his eyes glued to the window as he leaned over his little armrest. "Ya, it is"
I said as my eyes drifted back into the plane, my eyes landing on JK that glowed with a yellowish light, a hue kissing him straight from the sun. It was so pretty.

The plane around us seemed still. A lot of other passengers were already sleeping, still not adjusted to the time zone difference. If they weren't asleep they were busy and preoccupied watching stuff on their laptops, phones, or other devices. I turned my head to see through the crack of our seats to see that Hobeom was fast asleep, his earbuds still playing music into his head as he slept.
Everything was peaceful. Things were calm and quiet.
"Hey Ae Cha, turn back around. Lean your head on the window like before" Jungkook communicated, as he dug for something in his carry-on. I did as he instructed, confused but too tired to protest. Seconds later Jungkook had pulled out his phone and started snapping photos on his phone. I posed a bit, trying to look natural and nice. After a few clicks, he put his phone down and started going through his work.
"Ah, this is my favorite" Jungkook said, turning and showing me a beautiful photo of me which I couldn't really believe was me.
"Wow" I said grabbing at Jungkook's phone and holding it gently within my grip.
"You really do have a gift. You make me look a lot better than I am" I said with a laugh, joking slightly.
"You are a good model" he said, leaning over my hands, and looking down at his phone. Joking around. I felt my cheeks burn, after being flattered and I quickly handed him his phone back making him back off and sit back down in his seat, giving me a peculiar glance over as he did. But that's what I wanted, for him to give me some space for a second. He made me so flustered at times.
"Anyway, how amazing is this atmosphere It's just so...peaceful and so lovely with all these colors" I said taking mental pictures trying to savor this moment. The sky was full of splashes and ranges of sunset colors all filling up clouds and the inside of the metal machine we flew in. Everything in the plane turning into some sort of painting with all the hues of colors covering every inch.
"It is a very pretty sunset" Jungkook said agreeing with me as he deleted some photos he took of me off his phone but keeping the one he said was the best.
Seeing him study over photos of me made my cheeks tint with pink once more plus seeing him keeping a photo of me on his phone, made me feel more nervous than I should've felt.
"Hey. I think I'm actually going to get some more rest if you don't mind" I said, grabbing my neck pillow from off my carry-on and putting it into place. Ready to be knocked out, the longer I slept the faster our trip back home was and then the anxious feeling of seeing the boys wouldn't keep filling my stomach with butterflies, and the inner dread of missing my family in my heart would just pause for one moment and stop fighting over which feeling made me sicker first.
"Okay. I'll probably end up joining you anyway. There are no good movies" Jungkook said, on his phone still referring to the little built screen on our seats. I nodded, completely agreeing. There were no good movies and it was a bit boring.
For some reason unlike the flight here, it was a lot quieter. Jungkook and I had hardly talked this whole flight, unlike last time. The empty chair between us made the gap between us feel bigger than it already was. I knew there was something wrong with Jungkook. I've known that since earlier but yet I was too scared to bring it up.
I was scared of being dismissed or something he would say that would devastate me. I had no reason to feel that way at all, yet I did. I felt more self-conscious about our friendship even though we should be even closer than we were before we left Korea.
We didn't grow closer though, in some way our relationship had changed in a way we didn't understand. It grew stronger when it was just us two, constantly taking care of one another. Jungkook took care of me way more than I did of him. But now, this way of living we had had to go away and get integrated back into a life of sharing one another with six other boys, staff, and publicity.
These were possibly our last moments with just us together for a very long time.
"Are you sad about going back to our lives in Korea?" I found myself blurting out. Unable to control my jumbling thoughts from words vomiting out of me. As soon I let the words out I regretted acknowledging the problem Jungkook and I both saw.
Jungkook's eyes widened, turning his head so we could share eye contact that didn't seem to waver. He looked at me as if I had just read something from out of his mind. Shocked and bewildered he went to open his mouth to speak but stopped,  dropping his head down to stare at my feet. I sighed physically feeling the silence between us as his lower lip pouted slightly.
It was like a kid caught in a lie.
"To be honest. Ya, I am" Jungkook softly mumbled loud enough for only me to barely hear before lifting his head to give me a small and dreadful smile. His eyes glossed over in embarrassment as if the secret he tried to hide from me had come to light and he felt shameful for it. I nodded my head understanding, turning to look out the window feeling a bit apologetic to look at him. We weren't over-emotional or personal people. Sharing our woes and worries with others was hard for us, considering Jungkook was the Maknae he usually doesn't tell anyone anything but this was a lot for him to tell me the truth.
The silence after that was a bit long. I stared out the window, watching the sun slowly vanish into the endless amount of sea laid before me.
Finally, I had the courage to comment on Jungkook's words.
"Ya. Me too"
I said speaking honestly.
For a minute after that, it felt just like our first night in LA again, the openness of just us. It felt like the 4th of July night, the fun and friendship that built between us. Just us, not needing to share conversations or time with anyone else besides just us two.
For a moment, in our very last moments together we treasured being able to live freely with just the two of us. The atmosphere from the nights we previously shared in LA returned, the awkward aura was melted away by the fading light of the sun disappearing deep out of view engulfing everything into darkness mixed with a light population that gave me just a clear state of existence.
I laid my hand on the middle seat, looked out the window, my neck cranked back, and relaxed on my pillow.
Seconds later, the grasp of Jungkook's rather large and warm hand engulfed mine in a tight hold.
I fell asleep within a matter of seconds, no other words shared between us just the comforting feeling of our hands holding onto one another knowing now-
We liked living together, just the two of us.


A very short chapter this time, we needed a break, and Ae Cha and Jungkook needed just one last moment between them. Please leave your feedback here -->

Author's Note

Thank you for 1k reads on my book! I would never think I would ever have that many people like or view my book so thank you for your reads! Thank you so much for your never-ending support!

Also, the cover photo of Chaerin from Cherry Bullet was the closest idol I could find with the same 2 cool 4 Skool looks I was looking for. Fun fact, I've said this several times but Chaerin was also the girl who went with JK to LA as a trainee, hence why I chose her as one of my visual representations of Ae Cha.

 Fun fact, I've said this several times but Chaerin was also the girl who went with JK to LA as a trainee, hence why I chose her as one of my visual representations of Ae Cha

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^^ Here's one of the photos of Chaerin and Jk together!


Okay, time for the question of this chapter!
Have you seen The Soop yet? I still haven't finished it yet even though the last episode has been out for a few weeks now.
Leave a comment next to your answer.



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