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Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean, or English

Ae Cha's POV

"Ae Cha! Ae Cha! Come on, seriously? You're usually the first one up" a bothersome, resounding masculine voice shouted close to my ears.
I groan, trying to roll my body away from the source of the loud voice.
"Ah, shut up I'm sleeping" I stated in my weary voice very aggravated, I wasn't yet to start my day.
"Ae Cha. Today's our first practice and if you make us late you are going to make Hobeom angry" the voice said sounding more desperate.
It took a minute for me to soak in those words, and then I realized, today is Jungkook's and my first dance practice in LA.
I sat up in my bed in a flash like some sort of zombie coming back to life.
"Crap what time is it?" I asked trying to run my hand through the center of my messy hair, trying to push it off my face with little success.
"6 AM" double crap, our practice began soon and we had no idea what our routine or schedule was besides meeting Hobeom in the courtyard of the complex at 6:15 AM.
I pushed off the mattress and ran over to the dresser, practically ripping the drawers open as I quickly scanned and analyzed a dance outfit as fast as I could.
I picked a simple look, my fit consisting of Adidas black joggers with a thick white wool tank top with just my red van dance shoes I always wear during our bangtan dance practices, I also made sure to grab my super meshy sports bra that made sweating while dancing more breathable.
I didn't have time to pull together a more fashionable fit.
I turned back around to see Jungkook staring at me as if I was some sort of rabid animal.
"What are you doing? We have fifteen minutes to get ready!" I shrieked back making him pull out of his confused trance. I could see the lightbulb literally light up over his head before he went leaping over his unmade bed to his dresser to fetch his clothes.
I ran down the steps, being extremely careful not to stumble over my feet, I darted to the bathroom and threw my outfit on the counter before locking the door behind me.
I did my normal morning routine as fast as I humanly could.
I cleaned my face, nearly smearing my creams and scrubs forcibly against my skin.
I brushed out my hair, to my luck I had no knots today. I tied my long hair up in a tight bun which took a lot of effort and attempts than I care to admit. I put on my deodorant and gave myself a few squirts of my lavender-scented perfume all while double tasking brushing my teeth.
There were a few knocks on the bathroom door.
"Come on Ae Cha! I need to use the bathroom too!" Jungkook whined from outside the door. "Hold on just a minute" I yelled spitting out the last of my toothpaste. I quickly threw off my PJs, landing them somewhat near the laundry basket before I sloppy put on my dance clothes.
I tripped a little bit pulling up my black joggers up my thighs as went over to the locked bathroom door and opened it.
Jungkook instantly rushed over to the sink like a man on a mission completely ignoring me as he entered.
"I'm not done getting ready!" I voiced, complaining a pouting four-year-old as I fixed my very lazily thrown tank top.
"Then hurry up and finish we don't have time to take turns today, there is enough room for us to get ready" he spoke simply as he started to brush out and style his hair.
I sighed in annoyance before joining him at his side and carefully I started applying my makeup. "Why out of all these days are you wearing makeup today?" Jungkook asked as he continued his morning routine.
"I want to make a good first impression, Im trying to make an effort to look good. It makes a big difference" I said as added on my eyeshadow.
"Besides, this is all waterproof and I have setting spray so it should be fine" I expressed trying to stay hopeful that the LA summer day wouldn't make me look like a melting doll.
"If you say so" Jungkook said nudging his arm into my shoulder as he started washing his face. "I'm going to pretend that was an accident" I spoke glaring down at him as he washed his face. I couldn't help but notice Jungkook and me having similar themes going for our outfits. He was wearing a pair of black joggers but his had white stripes down the side of them and he was wearing a white, short sleeve top with black text saying "IU" on it and that was it. God, he is such a fanboy.
I smiled thinking of how he thought I was a nerd when he was just as guilty.

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