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| Korean Words meaning |

Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish, Korean or English

*Time Skip, One Day. Was July 20th, now its July 21st*

I woke to the sounds of my alarm and Hobeom bickering nonsense from downstairs, I sat up, blurry-eyed and tired still waking up to the day.

My lower legs ached from yesterday's walking and draining day. I couldn't imagine how Aunt Becca's feet must have felt walking all that length in heels but never complaining.
I got to give her props.

As I roused from my slumber, I rubbed my eyes, trying to dispel the remnants of sleep, and greeted the radiant California sun streaming through the windows. It was a typical sunny LA morning. The sound of Hobeom's voice drew nearer along with the rhythmic cadence of footsteps on the staircase leading up to the loft that Jungkook and I shared. My gaze shifted to Jungkook's bed, only to find it neatly arranged and empty. Puzzled, I reached for my phone and silenced the alarm, revealing the time to be 9:30 AM - thirty minutes later than my intended wake-up time. Letting out an audible groan, I realized that Hobeom was likely en route to deliver one of his classic lectures about oversleeping.

As expected, a knock on the wall signaled Hobeom's arrival, and I granted him permission to ascend the remaining steps. He entered, and true to form, embarked on a lecture about tardiness and sleeping in. While I knew our schedule was relatively relaxed and that we had nothing pressing on the agenda, I surmised that Hobeom might be a bit disgruntled at my intrusion into his free time, which he typically spent bonding with my aunt.

As Hobeom-hyung continued his lecture, I took a moment to observe the man who had been looking out for both Jungkook and me. It was a novel experience, for I had never truly regarded him as a person before – more of a presence I had failed to scrutinize. Despite being a bit too young for my auntie and perhaps slightly youthful for a manager, he couldn't have been more than ten or eleven years older than Jungkook and me. Strangely enough, I had never bothered to ask about his birthday.

Today, he appeared remarkably more conscious of his appearance. His usual medium-length curly permed hair had been meticulously styled and blown out. While he generally sported a somewhat disheveled look in casual business attire during practices and travels, today he was different. Clad in a short-sleeve black designer tee – possibly from a boutique in Myeongdong Market – he seemed to care about his looks. This was quite unusual, as I had never seen him in short sleeves, even on sweltering 110-degree days here. His vivid green swimming trunks, showing slight signs of aging, showcased his muscular, hairy legs, a revelation that contradicted the rest of his physique. He appeared stern and his face was imbued with a strong presence, meeting Korean standards of attractiveness with his handsome features. However, by American standards, he might appear slightly feminine. Signs of aging were visible, such as crow's feet and a hint of stubble, indicative of his true age. It made it hard for me to find an older man attractive, especially considering his relative immaturity compared to my aunt, who was just thirty-four and had two kids.

As I stared at this man, engrossed in his lecture, my attention wandered and I began to feel drowsy again. Suddenly, a sharp screech from his voice jolted me back to reality. I apologized, promising to get ready. He sternly informed me that I had a mere forty minutes to eat and dress. With that, he exited the room, probably to join Jungkook downstairs – an action quite unlike him, as he hadn't woken me, a departure from his norm. Regardless, I had to rouse myself and prepare for the day.

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