Jaemin ft. Renjun

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Yes it's me fr, a real live update 🤡

[it's giving a/b/o realness, it's giving hybrid]

Tiger!Renjun x bunny!Reader x Wolf!Jaemin


"Y/n wait!"

You heard his voice yell as he chased after you, walking across the damp campus. Rain had just finished falling, and the sky was still that misty shade of grey that made everyone sad. You weren't sad though, you were tired and ready to get back to the comfort of your dorm.

Despite that, your rabbit agility was easily matched by his tiger side, and he caught up to you, stopping you with one hand wrapped around your wrist.

"Please, I just wanna talk"

You rolled your eyes and turned around, letting your annoyance show on your face.

"Oh now you wanna talk to me?"

You snapped. He looked down, knowing he was in the wrong here.

"I'm sorry"

He spoke.

"I feel so bad for what I did to you"

"Of course you do, it's different when you're on the receiving end"

That made his head snap up.

"I-It's not like that"

"Sure it is! You're only apologizing to me now because you have no one to spend your heat with! When I needed you, you couldn't have cared less!"

He was silent.

"That's too bad for you, I won't be anyone's second choice"

You gritted, turning on your heel and walking away triumphantly. You wished he would understand just an ounce of the pain and hurt he put you through, that left you reeling for months trying to pick up the pieces of your heart.

Renjun was the first boy you had ever fallen in love with, but loving him went against everything you'd learned back home in your small, primarily prey town. Rabbits should be with other rabbits, no mixing at all. You didn't want to think like that. That's why you chose to go to a college with diversity.

It was in one of your science classes that you met Renjun. A smart, handsome, no nonsense tiger hybrid who turned out to be your lab partner for the semester. For being so different, the two of you got along great. You even met his friends, and they were just as nice. Your feelings for him started to grow, especially since your first heat after fully becoming close with him was approaching.

On that day, you worked up the courage to go to him and confess. That day brought back the worst memories of your life. It was awful. He had some other big cat friends at his apartment when you arrived, but he pulled you into the kitchen to talk privately.

You poured your heart out to him, telling him that you really liked him and you were hoping to be more then friends. And then he looked at you, and laughed.

"This is a joke, right? Never in a million years would I date someone like you"

Your face fell.

"I'm a predator, Y/n. I need someone strong and fierce by my side, not a meek little bunny who jumps at the sight of her own shadow"

You felt hot tears stinging the back of your eyes. Renjun looked down at you and growled, causing your primal instincts to shriek and jump. He laughed as the tears began to fall freely from your eyes.

"See what I mean, there's no way it could ever work between us, you're just too different"

With your heart in pieces, you ran out of his dorm. Such strong emotions clouded your judgement about a rabbit in heat walking alone at night. You were crying on your way home, too distracted to realize your scent had attracted some attention. Just as you were turning down a narrower stretch of road, you felt rough hands grab you by the shoulders and pull you backwards, back slamming into the brick wall of a building.

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