Nct 127 reacting to you accusing him of cheating

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I wrote this at 5:00 in the morning

Reaction to you accusing him of cheating.

He was in too much disbelief to process the accusation coming out of your mouth. He would literally get up and walk away from you.

"Talk to me when something intelligent comes out of your mouth"

Would cry on site. You know he's a quiet sweetheart who would never hurt you, how could you even say that? He barely had the courage to ask YOU out, let alone someone else. He would never, and he was in tears immediately because of how hurtful it was to him that you would accuse him of something so upsetting.

Anger, genuine anger. He couldn't believe that after the years you'd spent together falling in love and strengthening your relationship, your trust issues were still so bad that you would accuse him of something like that.

"After everything we've been through together, you think I would just throw out relationship away like that!"


"Do you think you mean that little to me!"

You looked down, ashamed at yourself for feeding into it. He sighed.

"And now I'm the bad one for yelling, come here"

He would hug you tightly and reassure you that he isn't and would never cheat on you. He spent the rest of the night cuddling you and giving you the utmost love. Things like this made him especially angry, because he tried so hard to help with your trust issues, and prove to you that he was someone in your life who wouldn't turn around and hurt you.

Taeil and Johnny
Confused. But they seem pretty mature to me, so it wouldn't result in any extreme displays of emotion. Would sit you down and have a genuine conversation with you about what gave you the idea he was cheating, because he honestly didn't know. You and him both knew he was a loyal man, so he was wholeheartedly struggling to understand what brought you to that conclusion.

CEO of crying on site. He would be incredibly upset by it too. He was your baby boy and everyone knew it. He wasn't looking for anyone else, and he never gave other women the time of day. Something like this would have him questions himself, and it would really affect his self esteem.

"W-why would you say that? Am I not doing enough? Am I a bad boyfriend?"

He would speak through tears.

"No, Jungwoo I-"

"I must be doing something wrong for you to think I would cheat on you"

And more self deprecating comments like that. It would take a lot calm him down and he might avoid you for a few hours.

Started laughing because he thought it was a joke.

"Please tell me you're kidding"

When you told him you weren't, his face would fall.

"Y/n, I love you. I don't know where you got that idea from, but I'm not"

Chill reaction. He knew the facts, and he had no reason to freak out on you because he wasn't doing anything wrong.

Another person who would get angry. His anger would be scarier than Yuta, because full sun would become empty sun in a snap. He would say everything with a monotone expression and chill voice, only making him seem angrier.

"So you don't trust me enough to go out by myself without assuming I'm cheating? I'm disappointed. I thought we were stronger than that"

Our leader would be both hurt and angry, but he wouldn't show much of either. People always say he's scary, but you wouldn't truly see why until you're in a situation like this. He might be so upset he wouldn't say anything. He was disappointed that you didn't trust him, and that you were letting the words of people online get in your head.

Offended. He would take it like a calculated attack to his person. It was also especially hurtful to him, because he asked you out in high school when he was a bit of a player. You only agreed to go out with him if he stopped playing the field, and he did.

"I can't believe you! You know I worked hard to change my image so you wouldn't see me like that anymore, and you say this shit to me! I love you, Y/n, I'm planning to marry you! Why would I cheat on you?"

He would confess all his feelings right there. He might not talk to you for a while because he didn't like to be reminded of how he used to act, and your lack of trust in him made him feel like you were back to the beginning of your relationship.

I'm about to go watch Jurassic Park.

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