Nct Dream (Some members)

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He rejects you, but regrets it after.


No, sorry

You almost burst into tears reading the dry ass response he sent you. You spent like 15 minutes planning what to say in your confession, and on your one chance to finally shoot your shot, you failed. You pouted. Now every time you saw him at an awards show it would be awkward. There was one coming up this weekend, and now you wanted to shrivel up in a hole and die.

Ok that may have been a little dramatic, but imagine being stabbed in the heart by your crush. Exactly.

"Y/n let's go, practice is starting soon"

You sighed and nodded.

Later that week

It was awards show time again and after getting off the red carpet, you and your group were bowing to other idols as you made your way to your seats. You had to admit you looked good. Hopefully good enough to make Chenle regret his decision. But then again, if he didn't like you before why would he now? Out of your peripheral vision you happened to see NCT, and you were going to wave to your brother, but you remembered Chenle might see you. You just stuck with your group and moved on to your seat.

"Wasn't that Y/n? She didn't say hi to you"

Yuta said, looking at Ten.

"She probably would have, but she's afraid to look over here because she might see Chenle"

You'd already told him about your rejection, and how you were hopeless now, and he didn't take too kindly to someone hurting his sister. Behind him, Chenle had in fact been watching you since the moment you walked in. He didn't even realize he was following you with his eyes, amazed at how absolutely gorgeous you were.

"Looks like someone's regretting his decisions"

Jaemin said sneakily, snapping Chenle out of his trance.

You sighed walking into the SM building. You were still going to the company Christmas party even though Jeno rejected your offer to be his date. After all, you promised your sister you would support her and her group. As you were walking by, you passed the dreamies trying to take a group picture. Without thinking, you made your way over there.

"I can take it for you if you want"

You offered, but immediately regretted your statement when you made eye contact with Jeno. You quickly looked away and smiled at Renjun as he came towards you, thanking you and handing you his phone. From the corner of your eye you could see Jeno still watching you as you tried to give them instructions to fit into the picture. You snapped a few good ones before handing Renjuns phone back to him and starting to walk away.

"Thanks Y/n, you're an angel"

He said, making you turn around and smile before continuing on your path. You could still feel a hard stare on you, knowing exactly who it was as you rounded the corner.


Jisung sighed into his hands. He was so frustrated at himself. Why did he have to be such an idiot. He didn't mean to reject you, he really didn't. You'd been sending signals to each other for months, to the point where he felt like he was madly in love with you.

You were brave enough to come up to him while he was talking to his friends. Today was the day you finally decided to ask him out, and what did he do? He panicked and said no. He couldn't stop thinking about the way your face fell and tears filled your eyes when he made the worst mistake of his life.

He tried to get you to come back, but you'd already taken off down the hallway. His heart hurt, and being the sensitive boy he was, tears started filling his eyes as well.

"It's ok, you panicked, just go after her and explain"

Jaemin advises. Jisung shook his head.

"I broke her heart hyung, she won't want me after this"


His harsh words played back in your head like a broken record: "No offense Y/n, but I wouldn't date you if you were the last person on Earth, and even then I still wouldn't".

To say that you were offended was an understatement. I mean sure you might not have been the most attractive girl at your school, but you had a lot of good qualities running for you. You assumed he rejected you because of your nerdy appearance, which was about to change over the weekend anyways. On Saturday you got your braces off permanently, so you decided to straighten your hair and wear it down for school. You even paid more attention to the details of your school uniform. New teeth new you, y'know?

When you walked into the building on Monday morning, people were shook. The fact that you actually put effort into your appearance today really made a difference. When you walked by Jaemin and his friends, someone wolf whistled. You just giggled and kept going, only to feel a warm arm wrap around your shoulder.

"What's good Y/n? You look different, I like it "

"Thanks Jeno"

You smile, letting your brace free teeth show. He smirks and leans into your ear.

"Hey, if Jaemin doesn't want you I will GLADLY step in, in his place"

"I'll have to think about it"

You laughed and shooed him off.

"Bye Y/n, see you later"

Jeno winked as he walked back to his friends. He nudged Jaemin as if to rub it in his face, and Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"When did she get so hot"

He complained.

"Hey, you coulda had that but you passed it up"

Jeno added. Jaemin gave him the "whatever" look.

"Too late now, Jenos already making his moves"

Haechan said this time, as they all split ways to head to class.

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