Nct Dreams s/o responding to backhanded compliemnts

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Based on a TikTok I saw 😌

People who like good comebacks, this ones for you 💅🏽✨

There was a girl in Renjuns circle of friends that didn't like you. You couldn't figure out if it was because you were dating him, or if she just had something against you, but you had never done anything to her in your lifetime. Heck, you didn't even know she existed until the day in the early stages of your relationship when Renjun introduced you to his circle of friends.

She was always making things awkward and creating unnecessary tension between the friend group, but you always tried not to let her antics get to you.

Today when you walked to the cafeteria for lunch, everyone had beaten you there. You took your usually spot next to your boyfriend and sat down.

"Hi, Y/n how's your day going?"

Jaemin asked, interrupting the girl who had been telling a story that no one cared about (to the relief of everyone else).

"Pretty good, I got my grade back on the SAT today and I couldn't believe I scored high enough to apply to Ivy League!"

You said excitedly. Everyone clapped for you and Renjun wrapped you in a congratulatory hug. The festivities were cut short by a snarky voice:

"Good for you do you want a cookie?"

"No, but you look like you need one"

Was your immediate response. She clearly wasn't expect you to come back at her with anything, because she was silent as the table laughed and continued their ministrations.

"That's my girl"

You heard a certain someone mumble in your ear, before placing a not so pg kiss on your lips.

Jeno was your stereotypical jock boyfriend, but you loved him to pieces. What you didn't love however were his friends. Not all, but some. Mainly the ones who he played football with. They were rude and superficial, but Jeno always made sure you didn't have to deal with them.

The previous day when Jeno was at your house, he accidentally sat on your glasses because he wasn't wearing his. Now you wouldn't have them at school today. You were doing fine enough, you could always ask him to tell you what the board said if necessary.

When you walked into the classroom you had to pass the group of desk where Jenos other friends sat. One of them who always gave you trouble turned in his seat, causing them all to look your way. Of course Jeno and the dreamies were watching as well. If he had to step in he would, but your boyfriend was really just a softie who didn't like confrontation, and preferred to let you handle yourself (because he knew you could).

"Y/n? Is that you? You look different"

"I'm not wearing my glasses"

"Oh, you look better without your glasses on"

You paused and looked him dead in the face.

"Thanks, you look better without my glasses on too"

The entire class burst into laughter. Even the other guys at his table couldn't hold their chuckles as you walked past him proudly to go to your seat.

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