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SAMEDI 07:45

The entire drive filled with silence. Mina got off right after parkingㅡleaving Chaeyoung behind.

Chaeyoung did not follow right away. She needed a moment of space. Recalling the picture last night did not make her less guilty though anger was clean on Mina's face. She was really hurt.

Mina immediate grab the glass of wine and drank abruptly to calm down but it did not cover her anxiousness. She has been drinking knowing Chaeyoung was not home.

Unsatisfied: her trembling hand reached the bottle of wine and guzzled directly from the bottle, letting herself drown by the liquor and the heating sensation inside her.

The scenario yesterday flashing in her head: being controlled under Victoria's lustful desire and witness Chaeyoung ran towards Irene. She was scared and being helpless anger her.

Drunk: images started appearing in her head. In a white world, Mina was kneeling on the ground. Her hands and feet chained and the shadows of her sins holding her down as she struggled to reach Chaeyoung that was walking away from her.

Mina struggled continuously. She tried to weigh strength on her feet to stand but the shadows of her sin whispered that weakened her: "You don't need her. Her innocence will make you vulnerable." She tried to ignore the whispers but she could not fight it.

Mina prolonged the word stop as she screamed and throw the bottle on the wall. "STOP IT!" She shouted and grabbed her hair as if trying to abolish the lingering voices in her head.

"P-Please stop it. . ." The tears of fear falling down. She took a step back: scared to see the red liquid running on the floor as if they were blood.

Chaeyoung who heard the scream and the sound of shattering glass immediate jump out the car and ran inside. Her eyes grasped a slight silhouette of Mina running upstairs. Her gaze shifted at the wine stain on the wall and drop to the bottle of wine shattered in pieces on the floor.

Worried: Chaeyoung followed Mina upstairs. She found her in tears, sitting on the bed. "Mina. . ."

Mina raised her head. The pain and fear were clear in her eyes. "C-Chaeyoung. . . Please don't leave me again. I-I was so scared alone."

Chaeyoung felt her heart squeezed. She thought she will not feel a single grain of guilt but seeing how miserable Mina right now made her regret.

"Y-You said you will stay. . . But why did you leave me?" Mina cried a river.

Chaeyoung kneeled in one knee and held Mina's hands, rubbing her thumb against the trembling hand. She looked up at her.

Their longing eyes reunited.

"I was hurt and needed some space to find my value. . . I'm sorry for leaving you."

Chaeyoung gently brushed her thumb under Mina's eyes, mapping the tears dry. Her lips curved into a healing smile. "Minari. . . tadiama."

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