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LUNDI 16:30

The premise of Administration Office. Under the BA section: the members of SSG gathered in the office. Jihyo explained the activities of this upcoming event. After approval from the Dean, the activities are finalized. Hectic schedules are coming after them.

The meeting went softly. However, Jihyo was worried about something. She noticed the unlikely behaviour of Dahyun. She does not look lively. She is not acting like her usual self today. She is not attentive. Her mind seemed very occupied.

LUNDI 18:45

After the members left. Jihyo approached Dahyun on her table. "Dahyun?"

Dahyun seemed to not hear her. The younger was spacing out facing the computer.

"Kim Dahyun?" Jihyo tapped her shoulder.

Dahyun finally noticed her presence. She looked up wearing a surprise face. "Oh, P-President! Pardon, did you say something?"

Jihyo looked concerned. "You don't look like yourself today. Are you alright? Tell me if you feel anything. You can take a break if you want. I will allow."

Dahyun stood and bows. "I am deeply sorry for not paying much attention and lack of action to my duty today, President. I promise to be more competitive from now on."

"Please raise your head," Jihyo ordered in a calm voice. She is very concern about what could the things running in her head. She is not used to seeing this side of her. She had a clue of what may she was thinking, but she can not be sure if they were thinking the same thing. She is not convinced if Dahyun already knew the truth.

The younger face her.

"I understand what may you were going through. You don't need to apologize." She bestowed a calm smile. "You have been my secretary for a long while. You are as busy as I am. I will allow you to take a break this week. After then, come back to me with a smile." She tapped her shoulder. "I will be going now. Nayeon is rushing me out. Make sure to lock the door when you leave."

Dahyun could only watch the President exit the door. She could not even protest over the order. She wanted to work in the office and do her duties but it was too late. Her mouth and mind betrayed her. Her head is too full of questions that she could not correspond in a conversation.

Her phone makes a sound. She received a message from Tzuyu.

✉︎ I saw the President leave. Are you not done yet? Take your time. I will wait for you.

Dahyun does not know what to do. She wanted to see Tzuyu but she is hesitating. She wanted to hug her and cry but she wants to avoid her. She is not ready to meet her girlfriend. They did not talk today. Her reason was that she missed her late parents.

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