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The Fuccgirls went to Han river with Chaeyoung, where there is a regular truck selling street food. People present on the scene can't help gawking at their cars. And it is understandable that people would think: they came from a wealthy family yet they eat in that kind of place. It is not a negative opinion though.

The owner of the truck already knows them because they are her regular customers. The food is not luxurious, but it has the taste that you will always look for.

Actually, this is their favourite spot. The scenery is relaxing, table overlooking the river, eating spicy as the wind blows, most importantly nobody talking about them. The University's dining hall is too crowded and noisy that they don't often eat there.

Sana and Mina arrived first. They went on the Riverside, standing five meters away from each other, hands crossed behind: thinking about personal things.

They have a two-hour lunch break and this is the best place to wait. There are not many people around because it is weekdays.

Nayeon and Momo arrived next with Chaeyoung. Nayeon opened the door for Chaeyoung as she let the girl inside her car, and they grab a table.

Momo said: "What gotten with those two again?"

Nayeon pulled a chair for her baby to set and responded: "Thinking about their past."

"I thought they have moved on?"

"Moving on towards that person and your memory with that person are two different issues, Momo."

Momo took a seat. Chaeyoung is between them. She said: "Guessed, things changed throughout the time. We can't control things from occurring, can't we?"

"Precisely." Nayeon faced Chaeyoung. "Mina mentioned that you're not familiar with Korean cuisine yet?"

"Yes, and I like the taste. I tried some made by Mrs Kim when we visited the main house."

"Oh, that is great! So that is why we decided to bring you here. Actually, this is our secret place and you are the first girl we take."

"Yup. Of all hundred girls. You are the first." Momo added.

Chaeyoung nodded and curiously asked: "How about your girlfriends?"

"We haven't committed a serious relationship yet. It's not like we don't believe in love and continue hooking around. We are just waiting for the right time and the right person."

"Oh... I see."

"How about you? Have you had any relationship before?"

Chaeyoung started thinking and said: "I don't have because I'm still young, but I have someone I love."

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