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SAMEDI 22:35

Mina parked the car and carried Chaeyoung to her room. The younger was completely wasted. She lay her on the bed and took off her shoes.

"Haa, so hot." Chaeyoung let out a tiny noise and flipped on the bed, looking like a starfish in yellow. She wore oversized patchwork checkered polo paired with tight jeans.

"Are you okay?"

Eyes shut, Chaeyoung uttered: "Pants..." Drunk is visible in her face. "Help me with my pants."

Mina remembered whereas she asked the same last night. She shook her head thinking it was a dejavu. Nevertheless, she helped the younger release the heat of her body. She bit her lip as she pulled the pants. As a horny person, this moment is torture, she thought.

Chaeyoung looked relaxed after the tight cloth removed. Mina pulled the polo down to cover her thighs. She stared for a moment.

"You had so many first with me, yet my favourite is your first kiss and promises."

She brushed off the strand of hair laying on the younger's face.

"Strange. I'm starting to enjoy things that I should not do." She shut her eyes in disbelief and step away. "Pull your sense together, Myoui Mina. You're taking the wrong way." She switched the lights off and left the room.

Mina soaked her body on the bathtub: hair in a bun. She could not fall asleep, thinking about the future. She worried, in the end, she will be left alone again. To ease her worries, she called someone who is good at everything.

As the other line picked up the call, Mina said: "Bunny."

"You insolent child. Who are you calling bunny?" Nayeon responded on the other line.

"I gave up on the plan. Did I made the right decision?" Her fingers playing the bubbles.

Nayeon hummed. "Tell me your reason, then I will judge."

"Earlier this evening. Courtney came."

"Courtney? One of Victoria's bitchy angels? How the hell did she find your place? I thought V wants you solo? What did she do there?"

"She hurt Chaeyoung, mistaking she is my girl."

"That fucking thundercunt! Give me her address, I will teach her a lesson. How dare she hurt my baby! She deserved to be chained in my basement!"

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