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The loud instrumentals of the Marching band lingering in the centre of the campusㅡwhere the field at.

On the left-wing stood the Tennis court and Badminton court. On the centre occupied by the Cheerleaders and Marching band. On the right-wing is the Volleyball court.

After the other clubs finished their sessions, students gathered around the field to watch the athletes.

There are amazing players in Tennis and Badminton but Volleyball is more popular. Especially the clubs that the Fuccgirls joined.

Volleyball is about to have a try-out for the newcomers. There are numerous students who signed up but they have to choose thoroughly.

As the right hand of the leader, Mina made the announcement: "The Captain will not be here today, but that does not mean we are going to be easy on evaluating. Do your best if you want the spot."

The sophomore and freshmen bow at her and said altogether: "Yes, Ma'am!"

Volleyball has indoor court but they tend to practice under the sun every summer to measure the stamina of the players and work for it.

The club also set drills outdoor to train the players like an army to improve their strength, speed, and jumps.

"Alright. I will be calling out your names then be ready on the court." Mina instructed and called their names.

Six try-out players versus three regular players: Doyeon, Roa and Chungha.

The try-out began. Mina was focused on the newcomers, evaluating thoroughly how they play.

The first six was a flop. They do not really have the will to play. They are just one of those students who want to try-out to fangirl up close with the regular players.

The second six is the same, and the flop saga continues. Some have potentials, spirit and skills. But several of them are just a bunch of masochists. Chungha, Roa and Doyeon could spike a ball right into their face and they would count it as bliss.


Chaeyoung and Dahyun followed after their clubs. Dahyun still needed in the office but she made a promise with Tzuyu to watch her try-out together with Chaeyoung.

The last six positioned on the court. Tzuyu was in thereㅡready to lit the ball on fire. Dahyun and Chaeyoung arrived at the right time and cheered: "CHOU TZUYU FIGHTING!"

Tzuyu found them and smiled. Her energy elevates upon seeing her friends cheering for her.

One student commented: "Look at her, she smiled. Oh God, how does it feel to be the one who makes Tzuyu smile?"

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