Naina shouted back in range and continued to walk.

Running behind her and catching up to her, he pulled her by grabbing her hand.


In a blink of an eye, she was facing him with his iron grip on her hand.

"Leave me. Let me go, Aditya"

She struggled to free herself and the more she tried, the more strong his grip became.

"What is it that you want to know, Huh?"

Aditya asked pulling her closer to him.

She remained silent and looked away from him in furious.

"It was her that came near to me, and you clearly saw me pushing her away.

It was just two questions that she answered correctly Naina, which doesn't even matter.

The dessert, she knows it because mom had sent it once to the office and while sharing it with everyone even she was there. That's how she knows. I didn't know that she would remember it.

And the number of crush? I honestly have no idea of how she knows. Maybe it was just a guess and she guessed it correctly.

That doesn't mean that she knows me. No one knows me like you do Naina! It's only you who knows me better than anyone, and even myself."

Though Naina didn't wanted to look into his eyes, but they had managed to pull her gaze up and like a magnet, she was being pulled into his gaze. His strong gaze was something that made feel all the flutterings in her heart and in stomach. His brown eyes which only had honesty in them, dared her to look away from him.

She asked herself, is it because she couldn't look away or is it because she didn't wanted to look away? Which one was it? Her heart and brain, both were in dilemma.

As they stood lost in eachother's gaze, they felt drops of water falling on them which broke the trance they were fixed in. Averting their gaze, they looked up to see how heavily it had started to rain just in span of minute.

Flustered, she pushed him away from herself as she felt his grip loosened on her hand. The second she freed herself, Aditya ran back towards his car.

"Naina? Come here and get inside. You will catch cold! How in the world did it even start raining when it's winter?"

Screaming, he neared to his and just when he reached for the door, he felt her absence beside him and turned to look in the front. Naina was standing right there as if she was glued to the spot.

But she was not just standing there like a statue. She had her arms wide opened, her eyes closed and held her face up as the raindrops touched her skin, there was this smile on her face which he had never seen her smile like that before.

She stood there drenching herself in the rain. Her hairs and her clothes were completely drenched. But she didn't care a single bit about it. She was not just Naina there.

For the first time in years, he saw the Naina he wanted to see. The ten years old Naina who would do anything that she liked no matter how silly or crazy it was. She twirled around with her arms stretched out.

He could see the water droplets on her face rolling down her cheeks, nose, her lips and her neck. Her dress stuck to her body as it was completely soaking wet.

She stood there, forgetting everything and enjoying the rain. Aditya couldn't help but get lost himself in her beauty. The memories flashed across his mind as he stood gazing at her.

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