You gotta read this!

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This one is definitely not an update, but something I found so much relatable to the character of mine 'Naina'. The minute I read this, it felt like I was really seeing Naina through these words. This poem, which is no less than an amazing art, written so beautifully by S.B.// (insta account - stefanie.briar.poetry)
She's an amazing writer and I love all of her works. But this particular poetic words, are really special for me.
I just wanted to share this with you all people not only to get to know about the wonderful writer and her writings, but also that I wanted you people to feel my character 'Naina' through these words which has many unspoken lines!

I would appreciate your feedbacks!
Thank you :)

Scroll up ⬆️ to read

I see you;
The'you' that you hide from the world.

I see the minuscule cracks
In the facade of the smile
You painted on
After pleading with the dawn
To be a little kinder
Than the night had been

Forget new beginnings...

I see that you can't believe in anything
But the certainty of the endings.

And I see you watching
Nothing but sunsets
Because sunrises are promises
The sun never kept.
You now never rely on constants,
Because they feel like the truth...

But then they go and pull
The rug out from the under you.

Apparently they had a 'plan'
That you will never understand.
(As if life isn't all bullshit and happenstance)

You feel so far removed
From the reality you didn't choose
You can't hold your own gravity
Every step, every breath-a precipice
One small misstep
And you are free falling

But not even your dreams will catch you...

Each morning, you wake
You fake it till you make it
And you steal yourself
To survive the day...

"Never let them see you break"...

But "break", you do.
Every day; in a million ways
Because grief and loss and broken hearts
And stay
And stay...

No they don't see you.
But I do.

I see you.
Because I am you.

S.B.// I see you

Dated - 10 June, 2020

Broken Pieces - Finding Way To Eachother's Hearts Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant