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Psalm 16:8
I always remember that the Lord is with me. He is here, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me.

Matthew 12:7-8
"The scriptures say, 'I don't want animal sacrifices; I want you to show kindness to people.' You don't really know what that means. If you understood it, you would not judge those who have done nothing wrong. The Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath day."

Matthew 12:18-21
"Here is my servant, the one I have chosen. He is the one I love, and I am very pleased with him. I will fill him with my Spirit, and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not argue or shout; no one will hear his voice in the streets. He will not break off even a bent stem of grass. He will not put out even the weakest flame. He will not give up until he has made justice victorious. All people will hope in Him."

I have a confession.
It's easy to throw people away.

When people get difficult or very uncomfortable to be around, I tend to write them off in my head. I don't know why but it happens. Maybe its because of the many times people threw me away or written me off in life but I see that it's a habit in me now. The pain inflicted on me, I started inflicting on others as well. I closed up and opening up was the hardest thing to do in my life - still is actually.

So praise God that God is God Almighty! That Jesus is WAAAAAAAAAAY different than me and the rest of society. Because I'm not the only one who ever threw people away or decided not to mingle with them due to difficult circumstances.

You see, my Lord and Savior is much more lenient than us humans. He won't pull up a bent grass or blow out a weak flame. He searches for the lost and sick. The ones who knows they aren't good and those who have yet to realize it too!

Let's put that into an everyday scenario.

If you are like me, then your family probably told you not to give money to homeless people. They said something along the lines of, "You don't know if they'll spend it on drugs or liquor." Or "They're just lazy and need to get jobs."

For me, I heard all of that and much more growing up. I was taught to not look at homeless people. It wasn't my family's intentions to teach me not to acknowledge homeless people but that was the result. And I'm not the only one. We ignore the homeless every day, writing them off as either lazy or drunks, but that isn't the case at all.

When I was delivering food to them, they were smart, and lots of them were either immigrants or veterans. Their stories were sad but they were still chillful. It changed my outlook and now, God's changing my outlook even more on these things.

Because God cares for the people the world's written off. All who put their hope in Christ are saved and that extends to everyone; all of us because every single one of us need Christ. I need Jesus. You need Jesus. Even the homeless need Jesus and Jesus accepts anybody who comes to Him.

When we have Christ, we're never alone again. I know a lot of people who rushes to relationship or have to be around people because they don't want to be alone. They're scared deep down. I remember what that was like too. It's a terrible feeling and the fear leads us to clings to anybody and anything that merely looks our way. I used to cling to the internet because of it: fanfiction, friends, addictions...but no matter how much I filled myself on those things, I wasn't filled. I couldn't quench my thirst because all I drank was sugar.

Now, because of my God and Lord Jesus Christ, I don't feel so lonely. I have this sense that I'm not alone and whatever happens, my God sees it. I'm reminded of how much God loves me as He teaches me to love others - especially in those uncomfortable moments where people test me. I'm grateful that I'm not alone. I'm grateful that God is much more patient and kind because He's helping me to be more like Him: To love like He loves and to show kindness even in the most frustrating areas of life.

God loves you.

When you come to Jesus, don't be afraid that He'll turn you away. He won't. He sees the heart and knows even the most hidden thoughts you have and it doesn't disgust Him. He calls for all to hear Him. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to know Him and walk with Him: to be saved before its too late. And to experience the peace He has here on earth as well. Go to Him. 

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