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2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Tonight, I gave God my fears. I welcomed the Holy Spirit to lead the prayer time and He (God) surprised me by bringing all these fears I was harboring to the table. It shocked me to see what was in my heart but it felt so good to let it out and let my Father know about it. I guess that is why God sent me the scripture 2 Timothy 1:7 today because He knew the pain I was repressing to even myself.

Maybe sometimes that's what we need. With all these changes and revelations taking place – a death of a loved one whom we can't give a proper funeral to or even a stubborn relative who is refusing to even watch church online – we need time to just go to God and give him our overwhelming pain.

I know a lot of us (me first) go to God and think we have to speak eloquent and be proper and either ask for a lot of good things like healing for people, protection, and salvation for them (which is true because we should ask for these things) but don't forget to be honest with our Papa (God) and big brother (Jesus Christ) about ourselves. It's good to pray for others but the bible also says to give God our anxieties – to confess to God.

Or with me, sometimes when I reach my limit, I just need to grieve with my Papa. It like when I was a kid. Whenever I was really sick (even now actually) or just sad – I would just want a hug and just be with my dad. I never understood that growing up because out of everyone, why my dad? However, now I realize it wasn't Ernie I was wanting a hug from.

It was from God, my heavenly Father that I yearned comfort from. It's only natural that the created would want comfort from their Creator. That a child would seek comfort from their loving Father who made them.

So if you're feeling sad today/night and just can't sleep (or get out of bed), take a deep breath. It's ok to be sad but don't let that sadness consume you. Seek comfort from God, our Father.

It doesn't have to be pretty or sound like an epic anime speech. Just talk to God, invite His Holy Spirit in your atmosphere and let Him bring up what needs to be brought up. And cry. Allow yourself to cry to God and be hugged by Him. Let him hear your fears, especially the ones that just sits in the back of your mind. Speak. God listens.

He cares.
He loves you.

Father God,

I pray for those who are struggling to give You their fears and sadness. Like me, they might be scared of what You'll think of them or they're unsure of how to open up and share. You know what they went through and what they are going through. This new normal isn't comfortable and its taking a toil on me. Maybe it's the same for them too. God, Papa, bless those whose fears are toying with them tonight. I don't care if they read this or not (I want them to read it but still) bless them if they read it or not. Give them peace that can't be understood by our minds and lay them down to rest for tonight. If they are waking up and starting their days, supply their needs to make it through the day and to thrive. Protect them from the virus and from any scheme the enemy may throw at them tonight/today. Father God, fill our hearts, Lord, with You holy love. I also pray for those who are unsure about You – whose been hurt by us (Your people) or who are being stubborn about believing in You. Jesus, soften their hearts and give them an encounter with You. Send them people are honest with You and them – who will represent You right to them and not hurt them or pick fights with them. Open their hearts, Lord, to receive You Jesus into their own hearts. Save them, Father God, so that way they won't go to hell. Jesus Christ I pray this in Your holy and blessed name, amen.

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