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Luke 17:4
Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.

So there's this conflict I'm going through internally about this one friend I have (had?) and a part of my heart just doesn't want to admit its angry with her, aloud. She's a cool person and is going through some things, I understand that, but she did something that honestly stings. I can sit around all day (which sometimes I have) and debate about her actions; question the whys and stuff, but it honestly just gives me a headache. I just don't think about it but from time to time, it comes up.

What does this have to do with forgiveness? Obviously a lot because this girl's action hurt me and now I have no clue how to treat her when I see her. Should I confront her about it and risk her running away for good? Should I just smile and pretend everything is fine and dandy when in the inside, I just want some sort of closure? No, I don't want to hear an explanation or excuses. I just want her to tell to my face what she thinks on the inside. Even if it's a "I don't trust you, like you, or want to talk to you" kind of thing, at least it'll be something.

However...who am I to judge her because God knows that I've done this to people to. There was a point in my life where I just cut almost every friend I had out of my life and now I can't take that back. I burned bridges too without explanations and tried not to look back. I'm no better than her.

Which is why God reminded me about forgiveness and also its compelling benefits in my life:
1) God forgives me so I should do the same to others.
Remember the Israelite and how every time they did God wrong, they would turn for forgiveness and God always forgave them and had mercy on them. (Examples can be found in Judges, Chronicles, kings, etc.) Think of everything you've ever done and how much God forgave you for it.
2) We're not any better than the people who hurt us. It sounds mean but think about it. We're humans, so that means we slip up and hurt other people too either intentional or not.
3) Hording grudges is toxic to our health and spiritual well being. It can hurt innocent people around us but mostly us at the core. When we refuse to forgive somebody, it messes up our relationship with God and with those around us. Forgiving means keeping the peace like the bible says to do and its faith expressing itself in Love. Our mental states can be healthy when we forgive and prevents torn relationships. When I forgive, It helps my prayer life a lot because grudges can be a barrier that prevents us talking to God and it hardens our own hearts.

So join me on forgiving. If there's someone or people in your life (doesn't matter if its the past or now) that you need to forgive, that you know or feel like your heart is just rough with them, then give it to God. It's ok if it takes seven days of asking God to help you forgive, just do it. It'll benefit you and also prevents division. 

Father God,

Thank You for pointing out the unforgiveness in my own heart. Thank You for reminding me to forgive and why I should. Also, thank You, Lord for Your forgiveness in my life. I don't deserve it. God, please give me the strength to forgive this friend who I feel done me wrong. Help me to love her and extend the same grace You give me to her. God, help me to forgive her because I am struggling to forgive her. I want closure but if that's not what's meant for me, if I never get that, then help me to love, forgive, and be patient with her. Help me to be content even if this chapter seems to have a cliffhanger to it. God, help me to grow from this and also remember that I'm not any better than her because I know there are people whom I hurt as well. God, please help the readers who come upon this to understand Your wonderful truth and also to understand the benefits of forgiving You give us. Give them the strength as well to obey Your truths in every day life and let us not get tired of doing good, for You said we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. God, thank You and in Jesus precious name we pray, amen.

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