Be careful little eyes:

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Luke 11:34

"Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is bad, your body is filled with darkness."

You know, this is a lot like eating healthy. Think about it: when we eat good things like veggies and meat in a balanced diet - whole foods help not only our bodies but also our minds as well. We're able to focus more and have more energy to wake up early and do our daily list of work. Our moods are happy and cheerful because we are taking care of it.

Now - maybe this is just me - but usually I am not a healthy eater. I like fatty foods like pizza and fries and a lot - a lot of sweets! I could probably finish a whole pizza faster than the marathon runners, let's be honest. Also I like pasta too.

Now its not that I am against healthy eating - on the contrary I love veggies and healthy stuff too but what I noticed is usually I eat what isn't healthy for me because that is what I crave...not what my body actually wants.

Two weeks ago I think my body was so deprived of healthy foods that when we finally got grapes, I attacked them and relished in their sweetness. Sorry, just had to put that out there because it was so weird and actually showed me how unhealthy I was. -_- Anyone else on this boat with me?

Now back to what I was saying. In our spiritual lives, it's the same thing. When we fill ourselves with good things (the type of things we watch) it can either make us mentally healthy or mentally ill. (not schizophrenic or anything....I'll explain in a bit.)

It affects our minds and a lot of us don't even realize it until later. That is usually me (Q - Q) when I get sucked into a movie or a story that isn't the best for affects me. I love crime shows and documentaries. I love to learn about how people solved the crime or even the mentality of the criminals and their goal was. I like to learn about stalkers famous killers...I could probably sit the whole day and watch documentaries of that along with shows like criminal minds, blue bloods, law and order (SVU) and etcetera.

Now not to say it isn't OK to watch these things but what I learn is binging on these shows all day long isn't really good for me. What I noticed is 1) the language gets stuck in my head and that is annoying all day(s) long. And 2) my attitude is affected by this. I become more skeptic of people - paranoid that someone is going to break in my house and hurt my family or me. My anxieties just went up and up.

The same thing happens when I read certain stories. Just this weekend it happened and boy am I glad that God warned me before I got too deep in the story!

Another thing that I realized is when I filled myself with other things that may be bad for me...I feel like spiritually I am starving myself of the nutrients and vitamins that my spirit needs. It can make you distant from God who gives light. It can also make you vulnerable to attacks. How can we fight back against the enemy's attacks when he aims for our minds and we are filled with dark things instead of the Word and bright things?

God is teaching me this as well because what I am learning about myself is that before when I would read...yeah I liked the adventure of the story but deep down I was looking for comfort in a place that didn't have it. I was searching for comfort from a story when I should be look for comfort and love from God. Now I am learning that I need to be strict on what I allow myself to see.

Sure watching movies and reading isn't bad but what am I allowing my mind to eat? If I want to be bright, then changing my diet is necessary. If I want to be loving then I need to stop filling my mind with paranoid and skeptic thoughts - always thinking that the people I meet might hurt me or have a secret agenda.

God, I think my question is then...what is there to read and watch then because these days...everything seems twisted and filled with things. Also, help me God to be strict with what I allow in my mind and how much I allow in my mind. God, help me to be bright and healthy. Right now it hurts, I got to be honest Father because You know how much I like stories but if some needs to be cut off then ok. I just ask for the strength God to obey You because for me, this is hard - very hard. Thank You for showing me what to do and that this is helping me get closer to You. Thank You for Your strength and that You'll help me with this and the blessing that will come out of this. In Jesus name, amen.

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