Untitled Part 1/30/2020: Some thoughts along with Ephesians 4:2

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Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle: be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Last night me and my brother had a talk. His language gets out a hand and it really gets annoying but also, scary, especially when he used God's name in vain with those bad words. Initially I nagged him and told him to stop, which, as usual, he got mad. However, eventually, we began talking and I explained to him that swearing in God's name isn't right. One because if we love God then why are we associating His name with bad words? Also that messing with God is a dangerous thing. The bible says to fear Him who can destroy both the body and the soul. The type of fear its talking about is reverence.

What came out of our conversation was two things: A new perspective on my part and understanding between the two of us.

When I was gentle with my brother, just talking to him instead of getting after him, we got to have an authentic conversation and he was more receptive to what I was saying. It showed God's words true. Bearing with a sibling in love wields more results than being judgmental and harsh with them.

What it also showed me was that I'm scared for people. People who are saved I don't have to worry about (unless they are doing something against God like turning on God or something) but for those who don't know God or who don't want Him, I fear for them. God (Jesus) is life, He's our salvation – the one who covers us and quenches God, the Father's, wrath. Because we have Jesus, we have life. But those who don't know – they're under God's judgement. That scares me because if they don't know and we don't tell them now, they could end up in hell.

Then there are those who don't want to believe. They know but they chose not to get saved.

This fear in me for them makes me think about Jesus – how He must have felt when the people of Jerusalem refused to believe Him. In the gospels, it says that Christ cried (wept) over Jerusalem, wanting them to be saved. He wanted them to come to Him and have life, not death.

The bible also says that God doesn't enjoy punishing us. That's why He wants all of us to be saved. To repent from our sins and turn to Him, so that we won't go to hell. He wants us to live, that's why He sacrificed His one and only Son Jesus Christ on that cross, so that we can be saved not by works but by faith.

And today is the day of salvation.

Grab it before its too late.

Father God,

Good morning. Thank You for giving us this new day and loving us the way You do. I know some people will look at this and take Your salvation into their hearts – others might scoff which saddens me. God, I pray for those who don't know yet – that You will show them who You are and how good You are. I pray for those who don't know and those who either walked away or don't want to come to You. Soften these hearts, God, and bring them to You. Show them Your truths, open their hearts and minds, God. I pray, Father, that many will get saved today around the world. That many will wake up and escape the claws of hell. Then help us, God, Your people to stand strong against the temptations in this world, the lure of the past, and the schemes of the enemy who tries hard to distract us from our missions. Father, give me boldness to share the gospel with people. Help me Lord to speak the truth unashamedly, unreserved, and filled with love. God, thank You I can ask You these things and that You want all of us to be saved. To come home to You when You come back, Jesus. I love You my God and the Son of God, and I pray this in You Son's holy name, amen.

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