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Ephesians 4:25-28:

Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. "In your anger, do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

We come to the first three topics Paul addresses in these verses: lying, anger, and thief. Because we are new creations, being renewed in our minds and called to throw off our old natures; Paul gives us instructions on how to do just this. Those who are prone to lying must stop and start speaking truthfully to others. People who once stole things (which was me) must stop taking what isn't theirs. Instead, WORK! Get a job and do honest work and share what you make with others.

This is something, I feel very obligated to do and I don't mean obligated in a bad or forceful way. Throughout this pandemic, people lost their jobs and are struggling to even find food. Because of my work schedule, volunteering is hard, which bums me out because I'm the kind of girl that likes hands-on work. However, because of the need, I work and I give to my church that goes and buys food for families who have nothing. We, as Americans, are so used to accepting charity, but it's really hard for us to give. I know for me and my family, we have a hoarder's mentality. What if all our taking is stealing from those who actually need it?

I have food on the table. I still have a job. I'm in school that, God willing, will help me get a new job in the industry I want. I don't have to worry about heating, electricity, or even clothes. Thanks to God, when I need something, I have the finances to get it. However, others do not have these luxuries. If I keep taking all I can get but never share it with my less fortunate siblings, isn't that, in a way, stealing?

The next topic that I need to talk about is anger. James said that human anger doesn't produce the righteousness God desires. When our hearts are hateful, a lot of ugly things take place and it can take us down some undesirable paths. Why do you think murder happens: a person that kills didn't wake up one day and say "I just want to stab someone today." No, something happened and that person allowed his anger to fester and morph into hatred, which then led to murder.

Anger is a natural thing to feel. When someone does us wrong or even when we see an injustice happening, anger is a natural reaction. However, the way we handle our anger is the important thing. It's more important to forgive and let go than to get revenge because 1) forgiving makes you feel better 2) you won't go insane with desiring retribution 3) it can prevent chaos with you and everyone else.

"In your anger, do not sin." Do not allow evil to conquer you, but conquer evil by DOING good.

This is for me, first off, because I have an ugly temper and many times, God had to pry my fingers open just to get me to hand Him the issues and then let it go. I complain a lot about my brother and dad being ugly with their attitudes and how they treat others because of it but truth it, I'm no better. Sometimes, I want to get back on people and fight someone - sometimes I even fantasize about taking an argument into the physical realm or saying what's really on the mind, tearing others down until they beg for mercy or never talk to me again.

However, that's not the way of life I am called to live. The old me wouldn't even talk - she'll fight and then just leave you on the floor and she wouldn't feel bad about it. Now, because I know that kind of reaction displeases God, I'm begging Him to change me and help me to not to go back to that old way. Because change starts with us, not the other person. 

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