July 7, 2017: According to their works.

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Small Straw in a Soft Wind: Marsha Burns.
To all of you who have made sacrifices for the sake of others, I tell you that I see your sacrifice and I count it as holy and righteous, say the Lord. What you have given up will be multiplied back to you in the time of harvest. Great will be your reward. And, to those who have taken advantage of the kindness of others you have already received your reward. 
Matthew 16:27 
"For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works." 

Matthew 16:24-27 (Girl's life application study bible.) 
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang onto your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? For the Son of Man will come with His angels in the glory of His Father and will judge all people according to their deeds. 

God tells us two things in message above: Those who sacrifice everything will be rewarded in due time and those who are taking advantage of others, they already get their rewards now. This reminds me of what Jesus said about the pharisees. Jesus told his disciples that when they pray and talk to God, be sure that they are alone. He told them that because Jesus saw the hearts of the pharisees who prayed out in the open for all to see: He saw that the pharisees' hearts wanted the praise and glory for themselves, to show others how religious and "holy" they were being. I remember one time, Jesus even told the pharisees that they place a heavy burden on the back of their own people yet did not even lift a finger to help the people carry that burden. 

The pharisees received their rewards in full. They wanted praise from me, respect and admiration from others and they got it. That's it. 

People who make sacrifices however...it seems that they are losing, falling behind and there is nothing for them in the end but that is not true! God sees their sacrifices and He honors them for all they give up for the sake of others and for Him! Jesus was the main example of this. Jesus sacrificed His time and energy and His very own LIFE for us and God honored that. Jesus became the last yet He is the first of many! He sits in glory at God's right arm, waiting to come in the Glory of His Father. Jesus is the highest who shows us how to sacrifice.

Jesus said that if we want to be His follower we must pick up our cross and turn away from our selfish ways. That is hard and a lot because we're so very selfish but giving those selfish ways up will be worth it. Jesus says what's more important than our soul?

Is material things more important?
Movies and shows that will end in a pretty short time?

These things, in the long run, are not really that important to give up our own soul to. I hope I'm making sense here but everything on this earth is fading and fast so why would we give up our soul for these fading things? Everyone seems to be getting ahead in life: I look around and my friends and family all seem to have jobs, income, their own plans and future ahead of them; they can drive their cars or go places without having to stay home because of other people.

Then I look at my life.

I have no job so I have no money which means when I want or need something, my dad and his wife are the ones that get it for me (They are very generous to which I am thankful for.) I don't have my house or car (or a driver's license for that matter). I can't just get up during the days and go where I want to go because I have little siblings that needs to be watched and taken care of. My family already spend money on me just to keep me in college and get me things I need (they are generous, like I said) so I always feel guilty when I want to ask them for things.

Looking at my life and comparing it to others around me...I get depressed sometimes and ashamed of having to be taken care of like this. I hear how other people struggle with their lives and I get guilty because I have no idea what their struggles are like. It gets depressing to not do what I want or go where I want or have a job to buy my own things even if those things bring trouble...everyone just seems to have their future in their bags and I'm just floating.

Looking at it now though...maybe this is where I need to be for now. I want to do what I want to do but I can't. People need me and maybe God put me in this stage because I'm needed to help the people around me. If I have a job right now: No body will be here to take care of my siblings or babysit them when the parents are away. I won't be able to pick them up if they are sick when school starts or stay home with them when if they wake up sick. Maybe I don't have money because I'm too prideful right now: I can think of a million ways to help people with money but when it comes to action, I'm no good. Maybe this is also showing me the kindness of others and how to appreciate what others give me instead of taking advantage of them. I don't have a house because I'm not ready for one yet like I'm not ready to date a man yet. Living at home is teaching me to deal with people and how to overcome my own emotions and issues. I don't have a car or license yet because I haven't worked on that one yet....

I want to have my own things and do my own thing but I just can't. I'm here for a reason and even though I can't exactly say why, I know God has me and gives me a future to look forward to. Whatever that future is, I know I will love it and that right now, God is using these things in my life to build me for that future. God is awesome!

Even though I'm not perfect or all that innocent....there are times when I take advantage of people I think...I'm sure of it because I struggle with my selfishness...and that is wrong of me. To hang out with someone only because they are going somewhere and I hope to get something at the store. Doesn't that sound wrong? Isn't that wrong?

I don't want to be selfish like this...God, I struggle with taking advantage of people sometimes. I know I do and I confess this. It was something I use to do a lot in my past, manipulation and I thought I got rid of it but it looks like I didn't. God, You said to learn from my past and I want to learn. Please, give me the strength to turn away from my selfish ways; point them out to me as clear as day and show me the way out of temptation. God, thank You for pointing our this in me and that You answer my prayers to help me not be shallow. God, thank You for Your faithfulness and for the season I am in for You are using it to grow me and build me into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ. It is teaching me things even though I can not see it, renewing my mind day by day. God, thank You! I pray that whoever reads this will take joy from their own lives and where they are at because You use all things for the good of those who love You! God, please continue to shape us and mold us in the image of Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus holiest name: Amen. Amen!


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