Isn't Your Mind Blown?

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Something to ponder about:

This is something I make very clear to everyone around special holidays where I have to give a gift: I can't stand having to get my dad a gift. It's not that I don't like giving my dad a gift - I love getting to get him something special. Also it's not that it's hard to get him something because I know what my dad likes and dislikes or what he would need to make life a bit easier for the man. But what drives me crazy about getting my dad a gift is that more often than not he DOESN'T USE WHAT I GIVE HIM!

Now I'm a practical person so when I get someone something, I want it to be something they would use - something handy and I know they will like. I'm just weird maybe but that's how it is. Sometimes I give people something that they can just put on their wall or something but mostly, I give out presents that people would be hands on with or at least watch. So when my dad doesn't use the present I give him to USE, it makes me mad. It irritates me and what makes me even more crazy is when my dad says "I don't want to ruin it. I want it to last."

I brought it so you can use it!

If I buy things for someone to use, they ruin it by not using it!

Now...that being often do we do that with God's gifts to us? I know I'm at fault with this as well. God gives us such wonderful gifts and beautiful talents and resources to use but most of the time, I find myself posting it on my wall - when I should be wielding it for its intended purpose(s).

Now I understand why God gets mad at frustrating it is when we don't use what He's given us because we're afraid.

So we end up doing what the servant did in the parable of the talents: we sit on our talents and gifts and is my mind blown.

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